Pursuant to Section 5 of P.A. 1969, No. 280, State of Michigan, any person convicted of an act of vandalism in a park or recreation area owned and operated by the City shall reimburse the City for up to three times the amount of the damage as determined by the Court. In every case of a conviction for an offence of vandalism, the Court before whom such conviction is obtained, shall enter judgment in favor of the City and against the defend ant for liquidated damages In a sum up to three times the amount of the damage as determined by the Court. The City Attorney shall take such steps as shall be necessary to collect the award by execution or otherwise. If two or more defendants are convicted of the vandalism, the judgment for damages shall be entered against them jointly. If the defendant is a minor, the judgment shall be entered against his parents. Upon collection the sums shall be credited to the general fund of the City and shall be used for repairs and improvements to the parks and recreation areas.
('88 Code, Title III, Ch. 31, § 3.5) Penalty, see § 92.99