(A)   Whenever the City Commission declares real property is a public nuisance and orders the nuisance abated by ordering that the real property be vacated, the Department of Public Safety shall post a notice so stating at every entrance to each building on the real property, and at the entrance to each dwelling unit or other portion of the real property ordered vacated.
   (B)   The City Clerk and Department of Community Development shall maintain a list of those real properties declared to be public nuisances, and the order of abatement or other remedies ordered by the City Commission. Any person requesting a copy of the list shall be supplied one at no charge. The list shall be available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s office.
   (C)   No person other than an authorized City employee shall tamper with, deface, alter, damage or remove the notice posted by the Department of Public Safety.
(Ord. 483-8-01, passed 8-6-01; Am. Ord. 762-07-20, passed 7-20-20)