Whenever an inspection and test shall have been made by the Radio Inspector, and it is found that such equipment, device, appliance, or apparatus is being operated in violation of this subchapter, the person responsible for such operation shall be notified in writing to discontinue the use of such equipment, device, appliance or apparatus or to make additions, repairs, or modifications thereof, in order that the same may be operated in a manner which complies with the provisions of this chapter. Such notice may be given personally to the person or by registered mail, addressed to the person. In the event that the person, within 48 hours after receipt of such notice to repair or discontinue the use of said equipment, device, appliance or apparatus, does not discontinue its use or repair the same so that it complies with this subchapter, such person shall be deemed to be operating the same in violation thereof.
('88 Code, Title IX, Ch. 109, § 9.29) Penalty, see § 90.99