(A) No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
(B) If any person riding a bicycle on any street or sidewalk under such conditions as may interfere with the safety of such person or any pedestrian, or any other vehicle, then the operator of the bicycle shall dismount and walk through such district or area.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 128, § 10.64)
The operator of a bicycle, emerging from an alley, driveway, or building, shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alley-way, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway, shall yield the right-of- way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 128, § 10.65)
No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the roadway against the curb or upon the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 128, § 10.68)
(A) Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk such person shall yield the right-of- way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian.
(B) No person shall ride any bicycle on the sidewalk or street of Parkview Drive in Parkview Village in the City, and shall dismount before entering Parkview Village.
(C) No person shall ride any bicycle on the sidewalk on Maple Street from Warren Avenue to the alley west of Michigan Avenue and on Michigan Avenue from Elm Street to the north line of the first crosswalk north of Maple Street.
(D) No person shall ride any bicycle on the walkway of the Maple Street Bridge or the Baldwin Street Bridge.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 128, § 10.69) (Am. Ord. 171-5-82, passed 5-17-82)