The Chief of Police shall, subject to the approval of the City Commission, establish a convenient location for the Parking Violations Bureau, appoint qualified City employees to administer the Bureau and adopt rules and regulations for the operation thereof.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 127, § 10.22)
No violation not scheduled in § 71.06 shall be disposed of by the Parking Violations Bureau. The fact that a particular violation is scheduled shall not entitle the alleged violator to disposition of the violation at the Bureau and in any case the person in charge of such Bureau may refuse to dispose of such violation in which case any person having knowledge of the facts may make a sworn complaint before the court having jurisdiction of the offense as provided by law.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 127, § 10.3)
No violation may be settled at the Parking Violations Bureau except at the specific request of the alleged violator. No penalty for any violation shall be accepted from any person who denies having committed the offense and in no case shall the person who is in charge of the Bureau determine, or attempt to determine, the truth or falsity of any fact or matter relating to such alleged violation. No person shall be required to dispose of a parking violation at the Parking Violations Bureau and all persons shall be entitled to have any such violation processed before a court having jurisdiction thereof if they so desire. The unwillingness of any person to dispose of any violation at the Parking Violations Bureau shall not prejudice him or in any way diminish the rights, privileges and protection accorded to him by law.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 127, § 10.4)
The issuance of a traffic ticket or notice of violation by a police officer of the City shall be deemed an allegation of a parking violation. Such traffic ticket or notice of violation shall indicate the length of time in which the person to whom the same was issued must respond before the Parking Violations Bureau. It shall also indicate the address of the Bureau, the hours during which the Bureau is open, the amount of the penalty scheduled for the offense for which the ticket was issued and advise that a warrant for the arrest of the person to whom the ticket was issued will be sought if such a person fails to respond within the time limited.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 127, § 10.5)
(A) Schedule of violations.
Violations | Penalty |
Violations | Penalty |
Parking too far from curb | $ 15 |
Angle parking violations | 15 |
Obstructing traffic | 15 |
Parking on front yard not designated and approved for parking | 25 |
Parking on private property without permission from owner | 25 |
Parking in a designated handicapped zone | 100 |
Prohibited parking (signs unnecessary): | |
1. On lawn extension | 15 |
2. On an area without an approved curb cut | 15 |
3. On sidewalk | 15 |
4. On street, 2:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. from November 15 to March 15 | 15 |
5. In front of drive | 15 |
6. Within intersection | 15 |
7. Within 15 feet of hydrant | 15 |
8. On crosswalk | 15 |
9. Within 20 feet of cross walk or within 15 feet of corner lot lines | 15 |
10. Within 30 feet of street side traffic sign or signal | 15 |
11. Within 50 feet of railroad crossing | 15 |
12. Within 20 feet of fire station entrance | 15 |
13. Within 75 feet of fire station entrance on opposite side of street (signs required) | 15 |
14. Beside street excavation when traffic obstructed | 15 |
15. Double parking | 15 |
16. On bridge of viaduct or within tunnel | 15 |
17. Within 200 feet of accident where police in attendance | 15 |
18. In front of theater | 15 |
19. Blocking emergency exit | 15 |
20. In prohibited zone (sign required) | 15 |
21. In alley | 15 |
22. Parking in violation of two or three hour time restrictions | 15 |
23. For purpose of displaying vehicle for sale | 15 |
24. For purpose of working on or repairing vehicle | 15 |
25. For purpose of displaying advertisement | 15 |
26. For purpose of selling merchandise | 15 |
27. For purpose of storage over 48 hours | 15 |
28. Wrong side boulevard roadway | 15 |
29. Loading zone violation | 15 |
30. Bus, parking other than at bus stop | 15 |
31. Taxicab, parking other than at cab stand | 15 |
32. Bus, taxicab stand violations | 15 |
33. Meters, not parked within space | 15 |
34. Failure to set brakes | 15 |
35. Parked on grade, wheels not turned to curb | 15 |
36. Failure to display a windshield placard when parked in a designated handicapped parking space | 15 |
Bicycle parking violation | 3 |
Meter violations | 5 |
If paid within 48 hours | 3 |
An additional $10 shall be added to all violations not paid within 48 hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays; and after 30 days an additional $20 shall be added to all violations, and after 90 days an additional $20 shall be added to all violations | |
(B) The Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, and Code Enforcement Officer of the Department of Community Development staff shall be authorized to issue tickets for the following violations:
(1) Parking prohibited on front yard not designated and approved for parking;
(2) Parking on lawn extension; and
(3) Parking on an area without an approved curb cut.
('88 Code, Title X, Ch. 127, § 10.26) (Ord. 231-4-87, passed 8-20-87; Am . Ord. 357-6-94, passed 6-6-94; Am. Ord. 460- 1-00, passed 1-18-00; Am. Ord. 472-10-00, passed 11-16-00; Am. Ord. 516-6-03, passed 6-2-03; Am. Ord. 544-05-05, passed 5-2- 05; Am. Ord. 565-04-06, passed 4-17-06; Am. Ord. 579-04-07, passed 4-2-07; Am. Ord. 673-03-14, passed 3-3-14; Am. Ord. 676-07-14, passed 7-7-14; Am. Ord. 689-03-15, passed 3-16-15; Am. Ord. 762-07-20, passed 7-20-20; Am. Ord. 812-04- 24, passed 4-1-24)
The City Commission hereby authorizes a program to train and utilize persons other than police officers as volunteer service officers to issue citations for parking violations as described in MCL 257.675d, and these trained volunteer service officers can be paid.
(Ord. 746-09-19, passed 9-3-19)
The Department of Public Safety is authorized and required to implement and administer the program to train and utilize volunteer service officers to issue citations for parking violations listed in MCL 257.675d after the service officers receive not less than eight hours of training in parking enforcement.
(Ord. 746-09-19, passed 9-3-19)