(A)   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BRANCHES. Greater than one inch and less than six inches in diameter.
   BUSINESS. All retail, professional, wholesale and industrial facilities and any other commercial enterprises offering goods or services to the public.
   COMMERCIAL.  All multi-dwellings and businesses.
   CONTAINER. Any detachable metal container designed or intended to be mechanically dumped into the packer-type garbage truck used by the Contractor and varying in size from one to 20 cubic yards.
   CONTAINERIZED BUSINESS. Any business, institutions, multi-dwelling or other structure whose garbage and/or trash is deposited in an approved container for removal by the Contractor.
   GARBAGE CAN. Any cylindrical light gauge steel, plastic, or galvanized receptacle, closed at one end and opened at the other, furnished with a top or lid and two handles, of not more than 30 gallon capacity and not weighing more than 50 pounds when full; it shall also mean City-approved plastic bags or liners not exceeding 30 pounds gross weight securely tied at the top.
   GARBAGE. All waste and accumulation of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter that attends or results from the preparation, use, handling, cooking, serving or storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable matter of any nature whatsoever, which is subject to decay, putrefaction and the generation of noxious and offensive gases or odors, or which may serve as a breeding or feeding material for flies and/or other germ-carrying insects.
   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Wastes that are hazardous by reason of their pathological, explosive, radiological or toxic characteristics.
   INDUSTRIAL. Establishments generating waste accumulations of metal, metal products, minerals, chemicals, rock and the like.
   INSTITUTIONAL. A customer occupying a premises that is exempt from general property taxation.
   LEAVES. Deciduous and coniferous seasonal deposits of leaves, including needles, buds, flower petals, and seeds.
   MULTI-DWELLING. Any building or structure containing five or more contiguous living units and intended exclusively for residential single persons or families. Each unit of a multi-dwelling shall be considered a separate dwelling unit for purposes of billing unless served by containers.
   NONCONTAINERIZED BUSINESS. Any business, apartment or other structure whose garbage and trash is accumulated and stored by means other than container.
   POLYCART OR TOTER. A plastic garbage container mounted on wheels of varying sizes (typically 40 to 95 gallons) specifically designed for pickup by rear or front mountings on garbage trucks with attached lids and lifting bars.
   RECYCLABLES CONTAINER. The Contractor shall provide each residence with a container in which recyclable materials can be placed for collection. There shall be a fee of $6 charged for each container that is lost, damaged, replaced, or otherwise provided in addition to the first container.
   REFUSE. Combined garbage and trash.
   RESIDENCE. A dwelling structure containing one, two, three, or four units, each designed for occupancy by one family. Each mobile home in a noncontainerized area shall be deemed a “residence.”
   SPECIAL MATERIALS. Those bulky materials or other special wastes that are not stored in standard storage containers and cannot be picked up by a regularly used collection vehicle.
   TRASH. Accumulations of rubbish, such as, but not necessarily limited to, sweepings, dust, rags, bottles, jars, yard waste or other waste materials of any kind which are usually attendant to domestic house holds or housekeeping and the premises upon which said households are located. Accumulations of lawn, grass, or shrubbery cuttings, or clippings and dry leaf rakings, small tree branches, which shall not exceed four feet in length and three inches in diameter, bushes, or shrubs, green leaf cuttings, fruits or other matters usually created as refuse in the care of lawns and yards, except large branches, trees, or bulky or noncombustible materials not susceptible to normal loadings and collection in “loadpacker” type sanitation equipment used for regular collections from domestic households.
   YARD WASTE. Grass clippings, weeds, hedge clippings, garden waste, twigs and brush no longer than four feet in length and one inch in diameter or other matter usually created as refuse in the care of lawns and yards.
   (B)   Interpretation. Words and terms not defined herein shall be interpreted in the manner of their common usage. When not inconsistent with the content, words in singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural number include the singular number. The word “shall” is always mandatory and is not merely directory.
('88 Code, Title II, Ch. 21, § 2.1) (Ord. 170-5-82, passed 5-3-82; Am. Ord. 285-5-90, passed 5-7-90; Am. Ord. 359-6-94, passed 6-6-94; Am. Ord 554-08-05, passed 8-1-05)
Editor's note: Ord. 285-5-90 did not include a definition for the term “Contractor,” the firm contracted by the City to pick up garbage and refuse in the City.