§ 1300.06 Standards for Permanent Signs.
   Subd. 1.   Awning Sign.
         1.   Signs shall not exceed 75% of individual awning area or awning width.
         2.   One awning sign per side of structure with street frontage.
         3.   The awning structure shall have a minimum eight-foot vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
   Subd. 2.   Canopy Sign.
         1.   Signs shall not exceed 75% of individual canopy area or canopy width.
         2.   One canopy sign per side of structure with street frontage.
         3.   The canopy structure shall have a minimum eight-foot vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
         4.   The sign may be placed on the front, above, or suspended below the canopy.
   Subd. 3.   Electronic Message Centers (EMC).
         1.   General.
            a.   EMCs shall only be permitted on freestanding signs.
            b.   Non-conforming signs shall not be eligible for conversion to an electronic message center.
         2.   Structures per Site. One electronic message center sign structure may be allowed per street frontage, not to exceed two EMC sign structures per site. Each structure may have two sign faces.
         3.   Height. EMCs shall adhere to the height standards for freestanding signs.
         4.   EMC Display.
            a.   EMCs shall maintain no less than an eight-second cycle time for any images and messages.
            b.   Any change from one static display to another must be instantaneous and shall not include any distracting effects, such as dissolving, spinning, or fading. Animation, motion, or video displays are prohibited.
            c.   The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign.
            d.   No EMC shall have a brightness level that exceeds three-tenths foot-candle above ambient light as measured from the property line.
            e.   Signs using an LED (light emitting diode) light source shall not exceed a luminance level of 500 candela per square meter (nits) between sunset and sunrise, and shall not exceed a luminance level of 5,000 candela per square meter between sunrise and sunset.
            f.   All EMC signs shall include certification from the sign’s manufacturer that the sign has been preset to conform to the luminance levels noted above, and these settings are protected from end users’ manipulation by password protected software.
            g.   EMCs may use multiple colors within the display, but the use of color shall not create distraction or a hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare.
         5.   Operation.
            a.   All EMCs shall be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions.
            b.   The owner of an EMC must immediately cease operation of their sign when notified by the city that it fails to comply with the standards of this chapter.
   Subd. 4.   Freestanding (includes monument, pylon, and post and arm sign types).
         1.   The total area of a freestanding sign face shall not exceed:
            a.   Thirty-two square feet for a residential subdivision sign in the R-1, R-2, R-4, and R-5 Districts.
            b.   One square foot of surface area per one foot of lineal street frontage, not to exceed 100 square feet in the R-3 District and 150 square feet in the business and industrial zoning districts.
         2.   One freestanding sign per lot, except in the R-1, R-2, R-4, and R-5 where one monument sign is permitted per subdivision.
         3.   Height:
            a.   Post and arm signs shall not exceed five feet above existing grade;
            b.   Monument signs shall not exceed eight feet above existing grade;
            c.   Pylon signs shall not exceed 30 feet above existing grade; and
            d.   Electronic message center signs shall not exceed eight feet above existing grade.
   Subd. 5.   Internal Wayfinding Sign.
         1.   Appropriate number of signs to provide directional assistance given size of site and circulation pattern as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
         2.   Individual signs may not exceed six square feet in size.
         3.   Signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.
         4.   Internal wayfinding signs may come in the form of monument, pylon, or post and arm sign types.
         5.   Signs shall be designed in a uniform manner (within individual subdivision or center) using consistent background color and typeface colors.
   Subd. 6.   Lake Service Signs.
         1.   Any business which provides a service to a lake and/or is located within 200 feet of a lake may apply for a permit.
         2.   Signs may be placed, when necessary, within the Shoreland Management Zoning District if they are designed and sized to be the minimum necessary to convey needed information as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
         3.   Lake service signs may not exceed ten feet above the natural grade level and the maximum size of such sign is limited to 32 square feet in area.
         4.   If illuminated by artificial lights, the lights must be shielded or directed to prevent illumination out across public waters.
   Subd. 7.   Marquee.
         1.   Signs shall not exceed 75% of the size of the marquee.
         2.   Placement.
            a.   Marquee structure shall have a minimum eight feet vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
            b.   May be placed on the front, above, or below the canopy.
   Subd. 8.   Menu Board Signs.
         1.   No more than two signs that serve customers via automobiles are allowed with a maximum total combined area of 64 square feet.
         2.   In no instance shall a sign be greater than 50 square feet or exceed nine feet in height from grade to the top of the sign.
         3.   Extenders shall not be attached to any sign in excess of the maximum size allowed. The menu board sign area may be additional to the permitted wall and freestanding sign area allotted to the building.
   Subd. 9.   Wall.
         1.   One sign per tenant per facade visible from an adjacent street, alley, or customer parking lot.
         2.   Total wall signage shall not exceed the following: 10% of the building front.
         3.   Wall signs shall not stand more than four inches away from the wall.
         4.   Wall signs shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above sidewalk grade.
   Subd. 10.   Window. Permanent window signs are limited to one-third of the total surface area of the window to which they are affixed.