The limits of the areas which have been or would be inundated by the 100-year flood shall be delineated as reasonably practical at 300-foot intervals by means of firmly placed markers of sufficient size to be easily read from a distance of 20 feet. The markers shall record the maximum known depth of flooding or height to the flood protection level, whichever is greater. All flood warning signs in floodprone areas shall be in accordance with the above requirements or any additional requirements as provided by the use of the 100-year flood profile and other supporting technical date in the Flood Insurance Study and the flood insurance rate map. The subdivision markers shall meet the following specifications:
Subd. 1. The markers shall be on substantial permanent metal posts.
Subd. 2. The marker(s) shall have notification painted white and shall be stenciled or otherwise lettered with the inscription “100-year flood elevation.” This lettering is to be of a permanent nature.
Subd. 3. The marker shall be firmly placed in the ground and be at least two feet above the ground.
Subd. 4. The cost of preparing and installing such markers shall be borne by the applicant, and the markers shall be installed prior to the sale of lots and construction of any buildings or structures.