Subd. 1. Lot Lines. Drainage and utility easements at least ten feet wide shall be provided on all lot lines (see diagram below). These easements may be centered on common rear and side lot lines. At a minimum, these easements shall be ten feet wide along all lot lines on streets and along all boundaries with land not being developed. The easements shall provide continuity of alignment from block to block. At deflection points, an easement for a pole line anchor shall be provided where necessary. The following exceptions to these requirements shall be permitted: the easement width requirements may be reduced or waived for subdivisions in the “TOD” Transit Oriented Development District and the “DD” Downtown Design Overlay District, subject to the approval of both the Zoning Administrator and the City Engineer.

Subd. 2. Drainage Channels. Easements shall be provided along each side of the centerline of any waterway or drainage channel. The easements shall be of a sufficient width to provide for proper maintenance and protection of the waterway or channel, storm water runoff, and the installation and maintenance of drainage systems. Easement width to be determined by the City Engineer.
Subd. 3. Utilities. Easements shall be provided for all sanitary sewer, water main, and storm water facilities. The easements shall be of a sufficient width to provide for access, proper maintenance, and protection of the facilities.