§ 1004.06 Transit Oriented Development District.
   Subd. 1.   Purpose. The purpose of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) District is to:
         1.   Implement the city’s “vision” of the TOD area as outlined in the City Comprehensive Plan, Transit Oriented Development Design Manual, and Master Plan;
         2.   Encourage a mix of moderate and high density development within walking distance of the transit station (to increase transit ridership);
         3.   Create a pedestrian-friendly environment to encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use;
         4.   Provide an alternative to traditional development by welcoming and promoting mixed use, pedestrian oriented development;
         5.   Create a neighborhood identity that promotes pedestrian activity, human interactions, safety, and livability;
         6.   Reduce automobile dependency and roadway congestion by locating multiple destinations and trip purposes within walking distance of one another; and
         7.   Provide a range of housing options for people of different income levels, needs, and at different stages of life.
   Subd. 2.   Establishment of Zones. Within the Transit Oriented Development District, the following zones are to be established in accordance with City Comprehensive Plan, Transit Oriented Development Design Manual, and Master Plan.
         1.   Station Zone. The “Station Zone” shall include lands generally within one quarter mile of the rail station (as depicted in the Comprehensive Plan/ Transit Oriented Development Design Manual/Master Plan) and serves as the focal point of the TOD area. Within this zone, transit oriented commercial uses and high density apartment-style housing are intended to be the primary features.
         2.   Midway Zone. The “Midway Zone” includes lands generally between one- quarter and one-half mile of the rail station (as depicted in the Comprehensive Plan/Transit Oriented Development Design Manual/Master Plan) and is intended to accommodate a mix of commercial and high density residential housing.
         3.   Transition Zone. The “Transition Zone” shall include lands generally located between one-half and three-quarter miles of the rail station (as depicted in the Comprehensive Plan/Transit Oriented Development Design Manual/Master Plan). The transition zone is intended to transition from the Station and Midway Zones to the land uses that lie beyond the Transition Zone. Within this zone, business campus uses, similar to that allowed within the city’s B-1, Business Campus Zoning District, and high density residential uses, similar to that allowed within the R-3 High Density Residential zoning district are encouraged.
   Subd. 3.   Allowed Uses. The following uses are allowed within the TOD District (by specific zone) and subject to applicable administrative requirements of this chapter.
Table 23
Table 23
Permitted Uses
Service oriented office uses
Above ground floor non-service oriented office uses
Mixed uses with ground floor retail, personal services, and/or service oriented offices and an above ground floor multiple-family residential component
Banks, credit unions
Retail businesses (under 10,000 square feet) as standalone units or as part of a multi-tenant building
Government uses and buildings (including transportation terminals)
Transit stations
Restaurants (without drive-through facilities)
Civic, cultural, and community facilities
Theaters, except drive-ins
Dry cleaner stores with cleaning facilities outside the TOD District
Concessions/vending as approved by Metro Transit
Multiple-family residential developments containing ten or more dwelling units per acre
Mixed uses with ground floor retail, personal services, and/or service oriented offices and an above ground floor multiple-family residential component
Ground floor restaurants (without drive-through facilities)
Multiple-family residential developments containing eight or more dwelling units per acre
All permitted uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
All permitted uses as allowed within the R-3 High Density Residential Zoning District
Accessory Uses
Accessory antennas
Accessory uses and buildings customary and incidental to uses allowed as permitted, conditional, interim, and administrative permits in this chapter
Off-street parking and loading
Sexually oriented use - accessory, as regulated by subsection 1005.10 and the license requirements of the city
Accessory antennas
Accessory uses and buildings customary and incidental to uses allowed as permitted, conditional, interim, and administrative permits in this chapter
Home occupations
Off-street parking and loading
Sexually oriented use - accessory, as regulated by subsection 1005.10 and the license requirements of the city
All permitted accessory uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
All permitted accessory uses as allowed within the R-3, High Density Residential Zoning District
Uses by Administrative Permit
All uses by administrative permit as allowed in the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
Outdoor dining, accessory as regulated by subsection 1006.07
All uses by administrative permit as allowed in the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District and the B-2, Neighborhood Business District
All uses by administrative permit as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
All uses by administrative permit as allowed within the R-3 High Density Residential Zoning District
Conditional Uses
Accessory outdoor seating associated with food service businesses
Commercial parking lots and structures (as a principal use)
Commercial recreation (indoor)
Stadiums and sports facilities over 10,000 seats
Grocery stores over 10,000 square feet
All permitted uses in the B-2 Neighborhood Business District not already permitted in the Station Zone
Accessory outdoor seating associated with food service businesses
Convenience stores with gas
Restaurants with drive-through facilities
Public, educational, and religious buildings and municipal government buildings
All permitted uses in the B-2 Neighborhood Business District not already permitted in the Midway Zone
All conditional uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
Public, educational, and religious buildings and municipal government buildings
All conditional uses as allowed within the R-3 High Density Residential Zoning District
Interim Uses
All interim uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
All interim uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
All interim uses as allowed within the B-1, Business Campus Zoning District
   Subd. 4.   Parking Requirements.
         1.   Supply Requirements.
            a.   Station Zone.
               i.   Non-Residential Uses. Not more than one parking space per 100 square feet of gross building area.
               ii.   Residential Uses. A minimum of one stall shall be provided per unit. A maximum of two parking stalls per unit is allowed as a permitted use. Up to three parking stalls per unit may be allowed by conditional use permit. Any parking that is provided beyond one and one-half stalls per unit shall be in a garage or parking structure.
            b.   Midway Zone.
               i.   Non-Residential Uses. Not more than one parking space per 100 feet of gross building area.
               ii.   Residential Uses. A minimum of two parking stalls shall be provided per unit. One stall shall be in a garage or parking structure. A maximum of two and one-half stalls is allowed as a permitted use. Up to three parking stalls may be allowed per unit by conditional use permit.
            c.   Transition Zone.
               i.   Non-Residential Uses. There shall be no minimum or maximum parking requirement.
               ii.   Residential Uses. A minimum of two parking stalls shall be provided per unit. A maximum of two and one-half stalls is allowed as a permitted use. Up to three parking stalls may be allowed per unit by conditional use permit.
         2.   Shared Parking. For lots serving more than one use, the total number of spaces required may be reduced, provided that the applicant submits credible evidence to the satisfaction of the city that the peak parking demand of the uses will not coincide and that the accumulated parking demand at any one time shall not exceed the total capacity of the facility.
         3.   Parking Lots.
            a.   Surface parking lots shall not be located within front yards or other yards which abut public streets.
            b.   Surface parking lots with more than 30 spaces shall be divided into separate areas by landscaped areas of at least ten feet in width. A minimum of 15% of all surface lots shall be landscaped. No row of parking shall be more than ten spaces wide without being interrupted by a landscaped area. Each landscaped area shall have at least one tree. Landscaped areas shall be planted with low-maintenance, salt tolerant plants (capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions) and irrigated.
            c.   Surface lots shall be screened along all sidewalks by a landscaped buffer of not less than five feet or three-foot walls or fencing compatible with the adjacent architecture.
            d.   Surface parking lots shall provide pedestrian walkways and connections to the sidewalk system.
         4.   Parking Structures.
            a.   Parking structures shall incorporate pedestrian walkways and connections to the neighborhood sidewalk system.
            b.   Parking structures are encouraged to include ground level retail uses along streets and sidewalks.
            c.   Parking structures shall adhere to the guidelines of the City Downtown Design Standards. Application of the standards shall follow the same procedure as in the Downtown Design Standards-Transition Zone.
         5.   Bicycle Racks. Bicycle racks shall be provided on-site at a ratio of one space for every 15 automobile parking spaces or portion thereof.
   Subd. 5.   Dimensional Requirements.
         1.   Building Setbacks.
            a.   Station and Midway Zones.
               i.   Front Yard: Minimum of zero feet and maximum of five feet for mixed-use and commercial buildings. Minimum of five feet and a maximum of 15 feet for residential buildings without a mixed-use component. Steps, stoops, ramps, or similar features may encroach into the required setback provided they do not extend above the height of the ground floor level of the principal structure. The front yard setback may be increased to 25 feet from the front property line if a courtyard, plaza, or seating area is incorporated into the development (adjacent to the public street).
               ii.   Side Yard: Minimum of zero feet and maximum of 25 feet.
               iii.   Rear Yard: 15 feet.
            b.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential sues.
         2.   Lot Coverage.
            a.   Station and Midway Zones.
               i.   Minimum Lot Coverage. 60% of the net lot area. This lot coverage may be reduced if a minimum of 40% of the lot is developed as improved public open space.
               ii.   Maximum Lot Coverage. 85% of the net lot area. This lot coverage may be increased to 100% for mixed use buildings.
            b.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District.
         3.   Building Height.
            a.   Minimum Height.
               i.   Station Zones: two stories and 30 feet.
               ii.   Midway Zones: 18 feet.
               iii.   Transitional Zones: none.
            b.   Maximum Height.
               i.   Station Zones: five stories or 60 feet, whichever is less, except as is allowed through the conditional use permit process.
               ii.   Midway Zones: three stories or 40 feet, whichever is less, except as is allowed through the conditional use permit process.
               iii.   Transitional Zones: same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential uses.
         4.   Sidewalks.
            a.   Station and Midway Zones.
               i.   Sidewalks not less than five feet in width shall be constructed along the frontage of all public streets.
               ii.   Pedestrian scale lighting fixtures no greater than 15 feet in height shall be provided along all sidewalks and walkways (public and private) to provide ample lighting during nighttime hours.
               iii.   All sidewalks and walkways shall meet ADA requirements.
            b.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential uses.
   Subd. 6.   Design Standards.
         1.   Streetscapes.
            a.   Station and Midway Zones.
               i.   Street trees shall be planted by the developer along all public rights-of-way. Street trees shall be planted at intervals of no more than 40 feet. Tree species shall be selected that require minimal maintenance and are commonly hardy and adaptive to urban environments.
               ii.   Pedestrian amenities such as benches, public art, planters, trash receptacles, and the like shall be provided and located along sidewalks and in landscaped areas, open spaces, and plazas.
               iii.   All new utilities shall be placed underground.
            b.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential uses.
         2.   Building Facades.
            a.   Station and Midway Zones.
               i.   The architectural style and materials of all buildings shall be consistent with the guidelines of the City Downtown Design Standards. Application of the standards shall follow the same procedure as in the Downtown Design Standards-Transition Zone.
               ii.   All buildings shall provide a main entrance on the facade of the building facing the transit station or streets leading to the transit station.
               iii.   The main entrance of any building shall face the street. The main entrance shall not be set back more than five feet from the front property line, unless a public seating area or plaza is provided in front of the building.
               iv.   Facades over 50 feet in length shall be divided into shorter segments by means of facade modulation, repeating window patterns, changes in materials, canopies, or awnings, varying roof lines, and/or other architectural treatments.
               v.   The ground floor of a front commercial facade shall contain a minimum of 50% glass.
               vi.   All buildings shall articulate the line between the ground and upper levels with a cornice, canopy, balcony, arcade, or other visual device.
               vii.   All structured parking is encouraged to be designed so that the only openings at street level are those necessary to accommodate vehicle ingress and egress, and pedestrian access to the building. All openings are encouraged to be designed so that vehicles are not visible from the sidewalk.
            b.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential uses.
         3.   Signage.
            a.   Station Zones.
               i.   Freestanding Signs. Freestanding signs, as defined by the city sign ordinance, are expressly prohibited. Kiosks and public informational signs placed and owned by the city are exempt from this provision.
               ii.   Projecting Signs. Projecting signs, as defined by the city sign ordinance, including those which encroach upon public right-of-way, shall be allowed, provided:
                  (a)   A clearance of not less than eight feet above surface grade is provided;
                  (b)   The right-of-way encroachment does not exceed two feet; and
                  (c)   The city determines that such sign shall not obstruct the vision of drivers or detract from the visibility of traffic control devices.
               iii.   Height. No signs shall extend higher than the height of the ground story.
               iv.   Size. No facade sign shall exceed 25% of the ground floor wall area. No other sign shall exceed 25 square feet in size. Signs may be double-sided.
               v.   Design. All signs shall be complimentary to the principal building in their use of color, shape, and material.
            c.   Transition Zones. Same as applied in the B-1, Business Campus District for non-residential uses and the R-3 High Density Residential District for residential uses.