§ 270.02 Duties and Powers.
   Subd. 1.   The City Engineer shall be charged with the following duties.
         1.   The City Engineer shall assemble or prepare such plans, specifications, blueprints, surveys, plats, reports, maps, profiles, charges, estimates, assessment rolls, and other records relating to public property or improvement as the Council may, by ordinance or resolution, direct.
         2.   The City Engineer shall inspect and supervise all construction, installation, repair, and maintenance projects undertaken by or on behalf of the city and shall take such measures with respect thereto as may be necessary to safeguard the interest of the city and to ensure compliance with plans and specifications, ordinances, rules, regulations, and laws pertaining to such projects.
         3.   The City Engineer shall consult with, advise, and assist the City Council and all other officials of the city on matters relating to engineering.
         4.   The City Engineer shall keep for the city a record of the following: real property belonging to or used by the city; plats of land within the city; traffic and street signs; street lights; grades and surfaces of streets; public improvements within the city; special assessments; costs of construction of public improvements; plats of the sewers and water lines of the city; specifications for all street improvements, and such other records, plans, specifications, blueprints, surveys, estimates, reports, profiles, charges, and assessment rolls that may be assembled or prepared by or on behalf of the city which pertain to public improvements or property of the city.
   Subd. 2.   The foregoing list of duties shall not be regarded as exclusive, but the office of the City Engineer shall have such other duties related or incidental thereto as may be necessary for the proper operation thereof, including the direction of improvements to and maintenance of the city streets and the operation of the city and sewage systems.