Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of the R-4, Single-Family Manufactured Home Park District is to provide a separate district for manufactured home parks, distinct from other residential areas with uses.
Subd. 2. Uses. Uses allowed within the district area are as described in subsection 1003.05.
Subd. 4. Lot Area, Height, and Setback Requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the R-4 District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in this chapter.
TABLE 7 | |
Requirements |
TABLE 7 | |
Requirements | |
Manufactured home setback | 20 feet to street line |
Maximum lot coverage | 35% |
Minimum area | 8 acres |
Minimum width | 300 feet |
Open space minimum width/length | 20 feet |
Open space requirement | 500 square feet per mobile home |
Setback from AG District | 75 feet |
Front setback | 20 feet |
Maximum building height | 25 feet |
Rear setback | 10 feet |
Setback between units | 20 feet |
Side setback | 10 feet |
Wetland setback and buffer | 30 feet |
Note to Table: * All uses located within the Shoreland Overlay District are subject to the standards in subsection 1004.03
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1. General Provisions for All Manufactured Home Parks.
a. Area. All land area shall be:
i. Adequately drained;
ii. Landscaped to control dust;
iii. Clean and fee from refuse, garbage, rubbish, or debris; and
iv. The manufactured home stand shall be at such elevation, distance, and angle relative to the street and driveway that placement and removal of the mobile home with a car, tow truck, or other customary moving equipment is practical. The manufactured home stand shall have a longitudinal grade of less than 4% and transverse crown or grade to provide adequate surface drainage. The stand shall be compacted and surfaced with a material which will prevent the growth of vegetation while supporting the maximum anticipated loads during all seasons.
b. Recreational Camping. No portion of a manufactured home park shall be used as a recreational camping area.
c. Public Access. Public access to manufactured housing parks shall be as approved by the city.
d. Building Permit. All structures (fences, storage, decks, and the like) shall require a building permit from the Building Official. Fences shall be prohibited on individual manufactured home lots.
e. Access. The area beneath a manufactured home shall be enclosed except that such enclosure must have access for inspection.
f. Community Building. A manufactured home park shall have a central community building with restroom facilities, heating in all areas, and adequate storm protection design and capacity to serve the manufactured home park. Such buildings shall be maintained in a safe, clean, and sanitary condition.
g. Emergency Storm Protections. Manufactured home parks established prior to July 1, 1993, shall comply with emergency storm protections as required by Minnesota Statutes. A new manufactured home park established after July 1, 1993, shall have storm shelters in compliance with Minnesota Statutes. Additionally, all emergency storm protection measures shall be subject to the approval of the City Council.
h. Ground Anchoring. All manufacture homes shall be secured by a ground anchoring system which conforms to M.S. § 327.32, subd. 1, as it may be amended from time to time.
i. Antenna. Antenna regulations imposed in the R-4 Zoning District shall be the same as those applied in the city’s R-1 District and as regulated by subsection 1005.02.
j. Permitted encroachments.
i. Attached steps, uncovered stoops, and landings may encroach up to five feet into a side yard setback, provided that they do not exceed 20 square feet in area or extend closer than ten feet to a structure on an adjacent lot.
ii. An eave or overhang may encroach up to one foot into a front, side, and rear setback.
iii. Decks may encroach a maximum of ten feet into a side yard setback, provided that they do not exceed 100 square feet in area and that they are set back at least ten feet from any structure on an adjacent lot.
k. Utilities.
i. All manufactured home parks shall be connected to a public water and sanitary sewer system.
ii. All installations for disposal of surface storm water must be approved by the city.
iii. All utility connections shall be as approved by the city.
iv. The source of fuel for cooking, heating, or other purposes at each manufactured home site shall be as approved by the city.
v. All utilities shall be underground; there shall be no overhead wires or supporting poles except those essential for street or other lighting purposes. When piped fuel and/or gas is provided by the mobile home park to each mobile home stand, the service shall also be located underground.
vi. No obstruction shall be permitted that impedes the inspection of plumbing, electrical facilities, and related manufactured home equipment.
vii. The method of garbage, waste, and trash disposal must be approved by the city.
viii. The manufactured home park owner shall pay any required sewer and water connection fees to the city.
ix. The manufactured home park owner shall pay inspection and testing fees for utility service to the city.
l. Storage Lockers. Enclosed storage lockers, when provided, shall be located either adjacent to the manufactured home in a manufactured home park or at such other place in the park as to be convenient to the unit for which it is provided. Storage of large items such as boats, boat trailers, and the like shall not be accomplished at the site of the manufactured home unit, but rather shall be provided in a separate screened area of the park.
m. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings as permitted by subsection 1005.01.
2. Design Requirements for Manufactured Home Parks.
a. Parking.
i. Each manufactured home site shall have off-street parking space for two passenger vehicles. At least one parking space shall be located upon the lot of the unit established above. Remaining spaces shall be in a group compound located no further than 300 feet from the units for which they are designed.
ii. All parking spaces shall be hard surfaced according to specifications established by the city.
b. Internal Roads and Streets.
i. All streets shall be private streets and shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width.
ii. Public access to a mobile home park shall be so designed as to permit a minimum number of ingress and egress points to control traffic movement, and to keep undesirable through traffic out of the park.
iii. Streets within the park shall be paved and developed with curb and gutter to control storm surface drainage to the storm sewer system. The street improvements shall extend continuously from existing improved streets to provide access to each lot and to provide connections to existing or future streets and boundaries of the mobile home park.
iv. Streets and parking areas shall be surfaced for all-weather travel with not less than four inches of crushed stone, gravel, or other suitable base material topped with not less than two inches of bituminous, or four inches of concrete. The surface shall be limited at the edge by a concrete curb not less than four inches high.
v. Pedestrian sidewalks shall be developed within the mobile home park.
c. Recreation. All manufactured home parks shall have at least 500 square feet per mobile home developed for recreational use (tennis courts, children’s play equipment, swimming pool, golf green, open space, and the like). The areas of open space and/or play area shall not be areas included within any setback nor shall they include any areas of less than 20 feet in length or width.
d. Landscaping.
i. Each manufactured home lot shall be provided with one tree. The size and type of trees must meet the requirements of subsection 1006.06.
ii. All areas shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the City Council.
Subd. 5. Operational Standards for Manufactured Home Park. The operator of any manufactured home park, or a duly authorized attendant and/or caretaker, shall be responsible at all times for keeping the manufactured home park, its facilities, and equipment, in a clean, orderly, operable, and sanitary condition. The attendant or caretaker shall be answerable, along with said operator, for the violation of any provisions of these regulations to which said operator is subject.
Subd. 6. Registration.
1. It shall be the duty of the operator of the mobile home park to keep a register containing a record of all mobile home owners and occupants located within the park. The register shall contain the following information:
a. The name and address of each mobile home occupant;
b. The name and address of the owner of each mobile home;
c. The make, model, year, and license and number of each mobile home;
d. The state, territory, or county issuing the license;
e. The date of arrival and departure of each mobile home;
f. The number and type of motor vehicles or residents in the park; and
g. A statement certifying the safety of the home signed by the occupant and renewable each 90 days.
2. A map of the manufactured home park showing the location, address, and number of each mobile home unit site shall be prominently displayed within the park near the park entrance.
3. The park shall keep the register available for inspection at all times by city and county law enforcement officers, public health officials, and other public offices whose duty necessitates acquisition of the information contained in the register. The register record for each occupant and/or mobile home registered shall not be destroyed until after a period of three years following the date of departure of the registrant from the park.