Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of the R-3, High Density Residential District is to provide for medium to high density residential uses. Development of townhome and multiple-family apartments and directly related, accessory, and complimentary uses are a means of addressing the city’s life cycle housing needs.
Subd. 2. Uses. Uses allowed within the district are as described in subsection 1003.05.
Subd. 3. Uses Standards. Uses are subject to the applicable provisions of the performance standards in Section 1006 and the process requirements in Section 1002.
Subd. 4. Lot Area, Height, and Setback Requirements; Attached and Multiple-Family Dwelling Lots. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the R-3 District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in this chapter.
TABLE 6 | |
Requirements |
TABLE 6 | |
Requirements | |
Back curb line | 25 feet |
Guest parking areas | 25 feet |
Minimum base lot area | 12,000 square feet |
Minimum base lot width | 100 feet |
Minimum setback between buildings | 15 feet |
Minimum unit lot width | 24 feet |
Principal structure setbacks | 30 feet |
Public rights-of-way | 25 feet |
Back curb line | 25 feet |
Guest parking areas | 25 feet |
Maximum height principal structure | 4 stories |
Minimum base lot area | 15,000 square feet |
Minimum base lot width | 100 feet |
Minimum setback between buildings | 15 feet |
Principal structure setbacks | 30 feet |
Public rights-of-way | 25 feet |
Front | 50 feet |
Maximum height principal structure | 35 feet |
Minimum lot area | 20,000 square feet |
Minimum lot width | 100 feet |
Principal structure setbacks | |
Rear | 40 feet |
Side | 20 feet |
Arterial road | 50 feet |
Collector road | 45 feet |
Railroad setback | 100 feet |
Residential driveway setback | 5 feet |
Wetland setback and buffer | 30 feet (from delineated boundary) |
Note to Table: * All uses located within the Shoreland Overlay District are subject to the standards in subsection 1004.03 | |
Subd. 5. Transition Requirement. Any R-3 zoned property abutting an AG, R-1, or R-5 District shall have a minimum of one tier of single-family detached, two-family dwelling lots, or detached townhomes bordering such a district and that tier shall be subject to the same lot and building standards as the R-2 District. Exemptions to the provisions of this section may be granted subject to the approval of an Zoning Administrator at the time of development; provided one or more of the following conditions exist:
1. The properties are separated by a major collector or arterial street;
2. The abutting land use is a non-residential use allowed in the district in which it is located; and
3. The properties are separated by a railroad right-of-way, wetland, water body, floodplain, public open space, park, or such other similar publicly reserved and development restricted area with a minimum width of 100 feet across its entire length.