§ 1002.07 Environmental Review.
   Subd. 1.   Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to determine whether certain projects have or may have the potential for significant environmental effects and should undergo special procedures of the State Environmental Review Program.
   Subd. 2.   Procedures.
         1.   When an environmental assessment worksheet (EAW), alternative urban areawide review (AUAR), or environmental impact statement (EIS) is required or otherwise ordered or submitted, the applicable review procedures shall be as set forth in the State Environmental Quality Board regulations for the Environmental Review Program, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes and specified in Minn. Rules Chapter 4410, as amended from time to time.
         2.   An EAW, AUAR, or EIS application, together with the completed data portions of the environmental document, shall be accompanied by a fee and cash escrow as set forth in ordinance. Costs of city time and materials expended in reviewing and processing the application shall be charged against the cash escrow account and credited to the city. If, at any time, the balance in the cash escrow account is depleted to less than 10% of the originally required cash escrow amount, the project proposer shall deposit additional funds in the cash escrow account as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Any balance remaining in the cash escrow account upon completion of the process shall be returned to the project proposer after all claims and charges thereto have been deducted.
         3.   Upon completion of the EAW, AUAR, or EIS for distribution, the Zoning Administrator or designee shall provide mailed notice of the availability of the EAW, AUAR, or EIS and date of the meeting at which the Planning Commission will consider the matter to all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of the EAW, AUAR, or EIS. Said notice shall be mailed at minimum ten days before the date of the Planning Commission meeting during which the EAW, AUAR, or EIS will be considered.
         4.   Review by Planning Commission. During the 30-day comment period that follows publication of the notice of availability of the EAW, AUAR, or EIS in the EQB monitor, the Planning Commission shall review the EAW, AUAR, or EIS. The Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council regarding potential environmental impacts that may warrant further investigation before the project is commenced.
         5.   Decision by City Council. The City Council shall act on the EAW, AUAR, or EIS document as required by M.S. Chapter 4410, as it may be amended from time to time.