Subd. 1. General. Except as provided in this subsection, no person, firm, or corporation shall construct, erect, alter, wreck, or move any building or structure or parts thereof within the corporate limits of the city without first securing a building permit.
Subd. 2. Application. Application for a building permit shall be made to the Building Official on forms to be furnished by the city. Applications shall contain such other information as may be deemed necessary for the proper enforcement of this or any other ordinance. Additional requirements for lots within the Shoreland District are in subsection 1004.03.
Subd. 3. Plans and Specifications. With each application for a building permit, and when otherwise required by the Building Official for enforcement of this chapter, plans and specifications shall be submitted. A certificate of survey of the lot upon which the proposed building or construction is to be done shall be required for construction of a new principal structure.
1. As part of a building permit application for a single-family home, a site survey with information as identified on the city’s survey handout must be submitted and certified by the developer that it is consistent with the approved final plat grading and drainage plan.
2. The developer or contractor must submit as built information that work was performed consistent with the approved final plans of the subdivision.
Subd. 4. Fees. The fee for a building permit shall be as set in the fee schedule adopted from time to time by City Council ordinance.
Subd. 5. Issuance. The Building Official shall issue the building permit only after determining that the building plans, together with the application, comply with the terms of this chapter.
1. a. A permit is issued with the understanding that the elevations of the proposed lot and the established or proposed street grade shall not conflict in such manner as to cause damage by altering the drainage or flow or surface waters to the street or nearby streets or to the adjacent or nearby premises.
b. The proposed unit type and elevations shall be consistent with the approved grading and drainage plans for the site. In the event that part of the proposed structure falls outside of the building pad (as shown on the approved grading plan), the applicant shall provide written documentation, signed by a registered engineer, certifying that there will be no impact upon the drainage patterns caused by the construction outside of the building pad which was approved as part of the grading plan.
2. The Building Official may deny a permit for the construction of a building or structure upon ground which is too low for proper drainage. No obstruction, diversions, ridging, or confining, temporary or permanent, of the existing channel or any natural waterway through or over which any lake, stream, or surface water naturally flows shall be made without approval of the City Engineer and/or any agency or official responsible for the review of such applications.