§ 910.08 Remedies.
The city may pursue any and all remedies as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, State Building Code, and State Fire Code.
   Subd. 1.   Failure to Comply. Upon failure to comply with the compliance order within the time set within the order, and no appeal having been taken, or upon failure to comply with a modified compliance order within the time set within the order, the criminal penalty established under this section notwithstanding, the City Council, after due notice to the owner, may, by resolution, declare the condition to constitute a public nuisance and cause the cited deficiency to be remedied as set forth the compliance order. The cost of such remedy shall be a lien against the subject real estate and may be levied and collected as a special assessment in accordance with the M.S. Chapter 429, as it may be amended from time to time, for abatement of nuisances and specifically for the removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards form private property. Any assessment levied under this section shall be payable in a single installment. The intent of this section is to authorize the city to utilize all of the provision of this Maintenance Code and of state law to protect the public’s health, safety, and general welfare.
   Subd. 2.   Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies pursued under this subsection are in addition to the remedies or penalties prescribed under subsection 910.09.