§ 910.06 Inspection and Enforcement.
   Subd. 1.   Enforcement and Inspection Authority. The City Building Official shall administer and enforce the provisions of this section. Inspections shall be conducted during reasonable hours.
   Subd. 2.   Search Warrants. If an owner, occupant, or other person in charge of a multifamily building or multifamily dwelling unit fails or refuses to permit free access and entry to the structure or premises, or any part thereof, for an inspection authorized by this section, the Building Official may, upon a showing that probable cause exists for the inspection or for the issuance of an order directing compliance with the inspection requirements of this section with respect to such multifamily building or multifamily dwelling unit, petition and obtain an order to inspect and/or search warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction.
   Subd. 3.   Compliance Order. Whenever the Building Official determines that any multifamily dwelling, multifamily dwelling unit, or the premises surrounding any of these fails to meet the provisions of this section, he or she may issue a compliance order setting forth the violations of this section and ordering the owner, occupant, operator, or agent to correct such violations. The compliance order shall:
         1.   Be in writing;
         2.   Describe the location and nature of the violations of the Multifamily Housing Registration Code;
         3.   Establish a reasonable time not greater than six months for the correction of such a violation and advise the person to whom the notice is directed of the right to appeal; and
         4.   Be served upon the owner or his/her agent or the occupant, as the case may require. Such notice shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner or agent, or upon such occupant, if a copy thereof is:
            a.   Served upon him or her personally;
            b.   Sent by certified mail return receipt requested to his or her last known address; or
            c.   Upon failure to effect notice through Subd. 3.4.a and 3.4.b above, posted at a conspicuous place in or about the multifamily building or multifamily dwelling unit which is affected by the notice.
   Subd. 4.   Posting to Prevent Occupancy. The Building Official may post any multifamily building or structure covered by this section as being in direct violation of the section, and preventing further occupancy. Posting shall occur if any owner, agent, licensee, or other responsible person has been notified by inspection report of the items which must be corrected within a certain stated period of time and that the corrections have not been made. Current occupants shall have not more than 60 days to vacate a posted property. Current occupants shall vacate posted property immediately if such occupancy will cause imminent danger to the health or safety or remove or tamper with any placard used for posting. No person shall reside in, occupy, or cause to be occupied any building, structure, or dwelling which has been posted to prevent occupancy.
   Subd. 5.   Right of Appeal. When a person to whom a compliance order is directed alleges that such compliance order is based upon erroneous interpretation of this section or upon a misstatement or mistake of fact, such person may appeal.
   Subd. 6.   Board of Appeals. Upon at least five business days notice to the appellant of the time and place for hearing the appeal and within 30 days after the appeal is filed, the Board of Appeals shall hold a hearing on the appeal. All hearing notices shall be given in the same manner prescribed for giving notice of compliance orders under Subd. 3 above. All appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the State Building Code and the State Fire Code.