§ 596.03 Residency Prohibitions; Penalties; Exception.
   Subd. 1.   Residency Prohibition.
         1.   It is unlawful for any designated offender to establish a permanent residence or temporary residence within 2,000 feet of any school, day care center, park, or playground.
         2.   For purposes of determining the minimum distance separation, the requirement shall be measured by following a straight line from the outer property line of the permanent residence or temporary residence of the designated offender to the nearest outer property line of a school, day care center, park, or playground.
   Subd. 2.   Penalties. A person who violates this section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by confinement for a term not exceeding 90 days, or by both such fine and confinement. Each day a person maintains a residence in violation of this section constitutes a separate violation.
   Subd. 3.   Exceptions. A designated offender residing within a prohibited area as described in Subd. 1 above does not commit a violation of this section if any of the following apply:
         1.   The designated offender established the permanent residence or temporary residence and reported and registered the residence pursuant to M.S. §§ 243.166 or 243.167, as they may be amended from time to time, or successor statute, prior to the effective date of this section;
         2.   The designated offender was a minor when he or she committed the offense and was not convicted as an adult;
         3.   The designated offender is a minor; or
         4.   The school, day care center, park, or playground within 2,000 feet of the designated offender’s permanent residence or temporary residence was designated or opened after the designated offender established the permanent residence or temporary residence and reported and registered the residence pursuant to M.S. §§ 243.166 or 243.167, as they may be amended from time to time, or successor statute.