§ 570.03 General Conduct.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
         1.   Use threatening, abusive, insulting, obscene, or indecent language or to at in an indecent manner, or to do any act which constitutes a breach of the public peace in a park;
         2.   Have in possession or bring into a park 3.2% malt liquor or intoxicating malt liquor in park after 10:00 p.m. and before the park is open the following day;
         3.   Consume any alcoholic beverage, whether intoxicating or 3.2% malt liquor, in a park after 10:00 p.m. and before park is open the following day;
         4.   Disturb, harass, or interfere with any park visitor’s property;
         5.   Deposit, scatter, drop, or abandon in a park any bottles, cans, broken glass, sewage, waste, or other material, except in receptacles provided for such purposes;
         6.   Enter a park with glass beverage containers;
         7.   Dig trenches or make other excavations in a park;
         8.   Throw, discharge, or place on or upon any lake, stream, creek, pond, or other body of water in or adjacent to a park, or tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into the waters any substance, liquid, or gas;
         9.   Gamble or participate in any game of chance in a park;
         10.   Use any land or body of water within a park for starting landing field for aircraft, balloons, or parachutes, without a permit from the Park Director;
         11.   Start a fire in the park, except a small fire for culinary purposes in a designated area, or fail to fully extinguish such a fire;
         12.   Drop, throw, or otherwise leave unattended in a park, lighted matches, burning cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, paper, or other combustible material;
         13.   Sell, solicit, or carry on any business or commercial enterprise or serve in a park unless authorized by the Park Director in writing; or
         14.   Use loudspeakers or other amplifying systems in a park, except with written permission from the Park Director.