§ 510.03 Notice to Remove.
When any conditions exist on any lot or parcel of land in the city in violation of the provisions of subsection 510.02, the City Administrator or person assigned shall serve a notice on the owner or occupant of the lot or parcel of land, ordering the owner or agent to have the weeds or grass cut and removed within seven days after the service of the notice, or to appeal to the City Council for a determination that the condition does not violate this section. Such notice shall also state that in case of non-compliance, the cutting and removal will be done by the city or its authorized contractor at the owner’s expense. The owner of the property will be determined as shown by the records of the office of the County Recorder. When the premises shall appear to be vacant and unoccupied or when the owner or occupant cannot be found, then notice may be served by posting upon the premises in a conspicuous place. For the second or successive violations concerning grass, weeds, and other vegetation in a calendar year, the city will post a notice of violation on the property stating that if the violation is not corrected within 48 hours after such posting, the city or it’s authorized contractor will, without further notice, correct the conditions creating such violations and assess the cost therefor against the property.