For residential lots abutting a commercial zoning district, no fence, wall or combination thereof shall exceed ninety-six inches in height along that abutting side, as measured from the average grade of that portion of the lot in the rear or side yard. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls or similar means shall be included within the ninety-six-inch maximum height restriction.
   (a)   Side yard fence shall be allowed to extend beyond the front set-back line of the house if adjacent to paved vehicular service areas including parking lots and service drives. Any fence or wall erected along the side or rear property lines must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property.
   (b)   The installation of such fence or wall shall not create a visibility or safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.
      (Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)