(a)   State Routes. No person shall operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in Ohio R.C. 5577.01 to 5577.09, inclusive, or otherwise not in conformity with Ohio R.C. 4513.01 to 4513.37, inclusive, upon any State route within the Municipality, except pursuant to special written permit issued by the Ohio Director of Transportation. Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer.
   No holder of a permit issued by the Ohio Director of Transportation shall be required to obtain any local permit or license or pay any local fee or charge for movement on any State route within the Municipality. However, no person shall operate any such vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any roadway within the Municipality which is not a State route, except as may be otherwise provided in any local ordinance or regulation or elsewhere in this Traffic Code. (ORC 4513.34; Adopting Ordinance)
   (b)   Local Streets. Whereas, the streets and highways in the City, with the exception of State routes, are residential streets, and have not been improved to withstand heavy traffic, no person shall operate any truck engaged in interstate or intrastate truck traffic, or any truck enroute through the City, on or over any street in the City, other than State routes, except that in the event the contents of such truck are for delivery to, or such truck is to remove goods or other materials from, a place on some other street, such truck may be operated over such other streets as may be necessary between such place of delivery or removal and the nearest street or alley intersecting a State route. (Ord. 19-69. Passed 7-8-69.)
   Penalty - see Sections 408.01 and 408.02