(a)    No person or organization shall conduct or be concerned with any street parade, procession or moving assemblage, other than a funeral procession, upon any street or public thoroughfare without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Mayor. Applications for such permits shall be made in such form as the Mayor prescribes and shall be filed with the Mayor not less than five days before the time intended for such parade, procession or assemblage.
   The Mayor shall, in such permit or in an order accompanying it, designate the places of gathering or formation and of dispersal of such assemblage, parade or procession, the route of march or travel and the streets, public thoroughfares or parts thereof which may be used or occupied for such parade, procession or assemblage.
   (b)    During the passage of any civic or military procession, all vehicles shall, after notice has been given to the owners or operators thereof by the Mayor, the Public Service Director or a police officer, be taken off the street occupied by such procession.
(Ord. 19-69. Passed 7-8-69.)
   Penalty - see Sections 408.01 and 408.02