(A)   Frost Law regulations for vehicles in excess of 10 tons.
      (1)   During a period, not to exceed 90 days in any 1 calendar year, which shall be those days designated by the Town Council, when in the opinion and judgment of the Street Commissioner, it becomes necessary by reason of deterioration due to rain, snow, or other climatic conditions, to impose restrictions as to the weight of vehicles to be operated on streets and highways within the town limits, any motor vehicle having a combined total gross weight, including load, of 10 tons or more shall not be operated on those designated street and highways.
      (2)   The period described in subdivision (A)(1) shall be the "Frost Law period".
      (3)   This restriction shall not apply to highways in the state highway system and the state maintained routes.
      (4)   A vehicle weighing 10 tons or more may be operated on those designated streets and highways during the 90 day Frost Law period, after receiving a written permit from the town's Street Commissioner.
   (B)   Written permits. Any permit issued by the town's Street Commissioner, as referred to in division (A) above, shall specify and direct in writing the streets and highways of the town that may be used by the permittee.
   (C)   Signs. The limit on gross vehicle weight during the Frost Law period, as referred to in division (A) above, shall be effective upon a directive from the Town Council to the Street Commissioner to erect and maintain signs designating said gross weight limitation at each end of that portion of the street or highway affected by the order, and at any intersecting roads, streets, or highways. The limitation shall cease upon the directive from the Town Council to remove the signs, or the expiration of 90 days in a calendar year, whichever is earlier.
   (D)   Penalty. A violation of this section shall be an ordinance violation subject to the penalty and fine provision in §§ 10.97 and 10.98.
(Ord. 2018-12, passed 12-18-2018)