(A)   There is hereby created a fund called the Beverly Shores Restricted Non-Reverting Garbage and Recycling Fund (Fund) for the receipt of revenues and payment of expenses related to the picking up and disposing of garbage and recyclables.
   (B)   Beginning on January 1, 2012, all annual fees and any earnings thereon be credited to that Fund.
   (C)   Any funds, and any earnings thereon, credited to the Fund shall only be expended for the purpose of paying expenses related to or arising out of the picking up and disposing of garbage and recyclables; the billing, collection, receipting, and accounting of the Fund’s revenues and expenses; paying the vendors retained by the town from time to time to pick-up and dispose of the garbage and recyclables; and payment of vendors and consultants for services related to accomplishing the purposes of the Fund.
   (D)   Any expenditures from the Fund must be appropriated by the Town Council either in an annual budget or as an additional appropriation.
(Ord. 11-20, passed 3-19-2011)