(A)   There is hereby created a special non-reverting account for the use of the town for the purposes of renovation, building, remodeling, furnishing, equipping, decorating and funding the Beverly Shores train station, museum and/or history room as a separate non-reverting fund known as the Beverly Shores train station renovation fund.
   (B)   The Beverly Shores train station renovation fund is a donation fund and shall be a non-reverting fund not subject to appropriations pursuant to Indiana Code.
   (C)   Funds received by the town for train station renovation and related purposes shall be deposited into the fund.
   (D)   The Town Council may accept and approve claims against the funds to defray costs and pay expenses incurred in relation to train station renovation, building, remodeling, furnishing, equipping, decorating and funding all aspects of the train station, museum and/or history room and all related and similar costs and uses including those stated within this section or for similar expenses related to the purposes specified hereby or by the donors of the specific gifts related to this fund.
   (E)   An accurate accounting shall be maintained for credits and approved claims as debts and maintained by the Clerk-Treasurer as an official record of the town. The money shall not be commingled with other monies of the town.
(Ord. 96-11, passed 12-16-1996)