(A)   A fund entitled town promotion is hereby established. This fund is established for the purpose of paying expenses of or to reimburse town officials or to pay for expenses incurred in promoting the best interest of the town including, but not limited to, those expenditures listed in division (B) below.
   (B)   Expenditures from the town promotion fund may include, but are not necessarily limited to, any of the following:
      (1)   The rental of meeting places, meals, decorations, memorabilia, awards, expense incurred in interviewing job applicants, expenses incurred in promoting industrial, commercial and residential development, expenses incurred in developing relations with other units of governments, in the promotion of tourism and goodwill of the town's employees and any other expenses of a specific or governmental nature deemed by the Town Council to be in the interest of the town;
      (2)   For the cost, expenses and contributions incurred in the participation in grants, grant-in-aid, grant applications, foundation awards, matching fund participation and other costs, fees, expenses or contributions made or incurred in joint participation with other units of government, foundations, not-for-profit corporations and groups in the securing of funding or participation in any manner in any program, application or commitment whether in kind, of a matching nature or percentage basis which shall result in infrastructure improvements to the town or the community or assets or property within the community of a specific, quasi-governmental or governmental nature deemed by the Town Council to be in the interest of the town; and
      (3)   Illustrative of the expenditures approved by this section, include, but are not limited to the following: commemorative plaques, certificates or objects such as commemorative keys; employee appreciation; and expenses incurred due to the participation in local, regional, state and national associations of a civic, educational or governmental nature which expense shall have as its purpose the betterment of the town or the town's operations; and expenses incurred due the participation in grant applications, grant-in-aid applications with other governmental agencies, units of government, foundations, not-for-profit agencies and groups to secure grants, grant-in-aid or program participation of a civic, educational or governmental nature which expense shall have as its purpose the betterment, improvement or acquisition of town or community property, services or operations.
   (C)   This section establishing a promotional fund shall have no limiting effect or otherwise upon any other fund of the town including printing and advertising, meeting room rental, subscription and dues, traveling expenses and any other similar fund, line item or account of the town.
(Ord. 96-05, passed 6-15-1996)