(A)   At the first meeting of each year, the Town Council shall elect a President and a Vice President from its members. At the first meeting, any Council member may take the chair for the limited purpose of accepting nominations for Town Council President.
   (B)   A Council member may nominate any Council member including himself or herself for President. Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the nominations shall be closed. Thereupon the Council member receiving the vote of a majority of the entire membership of the Town Council, with the temporary Chairperson entitled to vote, shall be elected Town Council President.
   (C)   The President shall immediately take the chair and preside over the nomination and election of a Vice President, and the appointment of other officials and employees as are necessary for the discharge of the Council's duties.
   (D)   The Vice President may act as President during the absence or disability of the President, and any Council member may act as President in the absence or disability of the President and Vice President.
(Ord. 205A, passed 11-21-1983 (84-41))