§ 155.221 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUFFER. A naturally vegetated area or vegetated area established or managed to protect wetlands from human disturbances.
   CREATION. A human activity bringing a wetland into existence at a site in which it did not formerly exist.
   FUNCTIONS. The beneficial roles wetlands serve, including storage, conveyance and attenuation of flood waters and storm waters; groundwater recharge and discharge; protection of water quality and reduction of sediment and erosion; production of waterfowl, game and nongame birds, mammals and other living resources; protection of habitat for rare, threatened and endangered species; food chain support for a broad range of wildlife and fisheries; educational, historical and archeological value protection; and scenic, aesthetic and recreational amenities.
   HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION. Macrophytic plant life growing in water or a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content.
   IN-KIND. The restoration or creation of a wetland with vegetation and other characteristics closely approximating those of a specific wetland.
   OFF SITE. Restoration or creation of a wetland at a location not adjacent to (or within 25 feet of) a previous, specified wetland.
   ON SITE. Restoration or creation of a wetland adjacent to (or within 25 feet of) a previous, specified wetland.
   OUT-OF-KIND. The restoration or creation of a wetland with vegetation or other characteristics not resembling those of a specified wetland.
   PRACTICABLE ALTERNATIVE. An alternative to the proposed project that would accomplish the basic purpose of the project and avoid or have less adverse impact on a wetland.
   REGULATED ACTIVITY. An activity with a significant impact on wetlands, including:
      (1)   The removal, excavation or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, minerals, organic matter or materials of any kind;
      (2)   The changing of existing drainage characteristics, sedimentation patterns, flow patterns or flood retention characteristics;
      (3)   The disturbance of the wetland water level or water table by drainage, impoundment or other means;
      (4)   The dumping or discharging of material, or the filling of a wetland with material;
      (5)   The placing of fill or the grading or removal of material that would alter existing topography;
      (6)   The driving of piles, placement of obstructions and erection or repair of buildings or structures of any kind;
      (7)   The destruction or removal of plant life that would alter the character of a wetland; and
      (8)   The conduct of an activity that results in a significant change of water temperature, a significant change of physical or chemical characteristics of wetland water sources or the introduction of pollutants.
   RESTORATION. A human activity that returns a wetland or former wetland from a disturbed or altered condition with lesser acreage or functions to a previous condition with greater wetland acreage or functions.
   WETLAND. An area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, commonly known as hydrophytic vegetation.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983)