In addition to the criteria set forth in section 4-1-103 of this title, the permit shall be issued if a vehicle towing service maintains a business office and storage yard that complies with each of the following requirements:
   A.   A vehicle towing service that performs light duty tow, or light duty tow and heavy duty tow shall maintain a business office and adjacent vehicle storage yard within seven (7) miles of the city boundaries, or such greater distance as approved by the chief of police. A vehicle towing service that does not provide city with light duty tow shall maintain a business office and adjacent vehicle storage yard within a distance determined by the police chief at the time that its vehicle towing service permit is issued.
   B.   Ensure a safe, secure, and convenient physical location and environment for vehicle storage.
   C.   A vehicle towing service that provides light duty tow shall provide a storage yard with storage capacity for a minimum of forty (40) vehicles. A vehicle towing service that does not provide city with light duty tow shall maintain a storage yard with storage capacity to be determined by the police chief at the time that its vehicle towing service permit is issued.
   D.   Whenever the storage yard is unattended, it shall be patrolled by at least one dog trained as a guard dog or shall have other security systems approved by the police chief at the time that its vehicle towing service permit is issued.
   E.   Provide a minimum average lighting intensity in the storage yard of three-fourths (3/4) foot-candle at all times.
   F.   Additional vehicle storage yards that do not comply with the provisions of this section may be maintained by the permittee provided any such additional yards are approved in writing and subject to the written conditions of the police chief. (1962 Code § 6-21.101 et seq.; amd. Ord. 02-O-2401, eff. 6-20-2002; Ord. 12-O-2631, eff. 10-12-2012)