The objectives, justification, and basis for the various regulations relative to signs and as contained in this section and elsewhere in this chapter are to:
   A.   Direct persons to various activities and enterprises in order to provide for the public convenience;
   B.   Provide a reasonable system of controls of signs, integrated within and a part of the Comprehensive Zoning Plan set forth by this Code, and not as a distinct police power exercise separate and apart from the zoning power;
   C.   Encourage signs which are well designed and pleasing in appearance and to provide incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationship, and spacing;
   D.   Encourage a desirable urban character which has a minimum of overhead clutter;
   E.   Enhance the economic value of the community and each area thereof through the regulation of such things as size, location, design, and the illumination of signs;
   F.   Encourage the signs which are compatible with adjacent land uses;
   G.   Reduce possible traffic and safety hazards through good signing; and
   H.   Relate sign area and height to viewing distance and optical characteristics of the eye. (Ord. 80-O-1775, eff. 12-5-1980)