A.   Limitation On Number: No person shall harbor or maintain such number of animals to create unhealthful or unsanitary conditions for the humans or animals occupying the premises, or create any other conditions constituting a nuisance.
   B.   Investigation; Notice; Remedial Action: If such conditions exist, the Bettendorf police department or the humane society of Scott County is authorized to make an investigation, and after notice and hearing to the person or persons occupying or maintaining the residence or premises, or the persons harboring or maintaining the animals, the chief of police or the chief's designee may order such number of the animals be removed from the residence or premises to remedy or correct the unhealthful, unsanitary or other conditions constituting a nuisance.
   C.   Failure To Comply; Enforcement: Upon the failure of the person or persons to follow the orders issued by the Bettendorf police department, appropriate action may be pursued in the courts to enforce the order of the Bettendorf police department, and/or correct the conditions and/or abate the nuisance. (2008 Code § 5-9)