It shall be the duty of the Director to:
   (A)   Prepare, at the request of the City Manager or City Council, all plans and specifications for the erection, construction or addition to all infrastructure systems, buildings and other structures owned or to be erected by or for the benefit of the city;
   (B)   Issue work orders, supervise and have inspected all construction making additions or extensions to the infrastructure systems of the city;
   (C)   Develop, maintain and revise, with the consent of the City Council, a capital improvements program for the scheduled replacement, upgrading, addition or extension to the infrastructure systems of the city and other public facilities;
   (D)   Administer planning, zoning and development ordinances, issue permits and have inspected all construction by private parties within the scope hereof, and, from time to time, examine all Building, Fire, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes and other ordinances and regulations pertaining to buildings and development in the city and make recommendations to the City Council concerning same; and
   (E)   Supervise all personnel of the Department and perform other duties as the City Manager may direct.
(Prior Code, § 5-102)