(A)   All applications for permits shall be made in writing to the City Building Inspector. The application shall accurately state the following:
      (1)   The location and description of the proposed building or structure to be moved;
      (2)   The principal condition and the materials of its sills, walls and roof;
      (3)   The route over which it is proposed to be moved;
      (4)   The new location thereof; (If it is to be relocated within the city, the application shall give the lot, block and addition of the proposed relocation; plus, new street address, and the legal description of the new location.);
      (5)   The proposed date or dates for the moving of the building or structure;
      (6)   Whether it shall be necessary to raise, lower or cut any wires or cables belonging to a public service;
      (7)   Whether or not there remain any taxes assessed, due, delinquent or unpaid of any nature upon the property, building, house or structure proposed to be moved, and the premises upon which the same is located at the time of making the application.
   (B)   No building which has deteriorated, burned or been damaged more than 50% of its original structural strength, as determined by the Inspector may be moved.
   (C)   If the building is to be relocated within the corporate limits of the city, the applicant must comply with the provisions of §§ 150.099 and 150.100.
   (D)   No permit for the moving of any building, house, or structure shall be issued until the route, time of the removal, and movement has been approved by
the City Manager or his or her designee and the Chief of Police in the city.
   (E)   The City Building Inspector, upon satisfying himself or herself that the building, house or structure can be moved with safety and the other conditions follow this subchapter, he or she may then issue a permit.
(Prior Code, § 5-604) (Am. Ord. 1974, passed 8-6-19)