(A)   The City Council shall revoke or suspend a license issued under this subchapter on any of the following grounds:
      (1)   The license was procured by fraudulent conduct or false statement of a material fact or a fact concerning the applicant was not disclosed at the time of this application, and the fact would have constituted just cause for refusal to issue the license;
      (2)   The licensee illegally employs a short wave radio to intercept police communications;
      (3)   The licensee has failed to respond to two referrals, without justification, during the license year;
      (4)   The licensee has failed to respond to five referrals, regardless of reason, during the license year;
      (5)   The licensee has failed to maintain adequate and properly operating equipment as required by this subchapter; and/or
      (6)   The licensee or his or her agents and/or employees have violated any provisions of this subchapter or have committed any other acts the violation of which reflects unfavorable on the fitness of the licensee to offer public services.
   (B)   The City Manager shall bring to the attention of the City Council the existence of any of the above grounds for revocation or suspension.
   (C)   Prior to suspension or revocation, the licensee shall be given notice of the proposed action to be taken and shall have an opportunity to be heard before the City Council. At least ten days notice of hearing shall be given to the licensee. Upon the completion of the hearing, the City Council, based on its findings shall:
      (1)   Decline to revoke or suspend the license;
      (2)   Revoke the license; or
      (3)   Suspend the license for a period not to exceed 90 days.
(Prior Code, § 10-1011)