§ 1476.12 DEFINITIONS.
   A-FRAME SIGN. A movable ground sign constructed in the shape of an "A" or some variation thereof. Refer to Figure 1476.12-A. A-Frame Sign.
   Figure 1476.12-A. A-Frame Sign
   ATTENTION GETTING DEVICE. A sign that directs attention to a business, product, or service using streamers, spinners, propellers, paddle wheels, or other ornamentation designed to move in the wind. ATTENTION GETTING DEVICES do not include BANNER FLAG SIGNS or INFLATABLE DEVICES.
   AWNING. A roof-like cover, often constructed of flexible fabric and/or metal, which projects from the wall of a structure over a window, sidewalk, or door and is designed for protection from the weather or as a decorative element.
   AWNING SIGN. A sign that is displayed on an awning.
   BANNER FLAG SIGN. A sign typically made of lightweight fabric or other flexible material that is mounted to a pole and designed to move in the wind. BANNER FLAG SIGNS do not include ATTENTION GETTING DEVICES. Refer to Figure 1476.12-B. Banner Flag Sign.
   Figure 1476.12-B. Banner Flag Sign
   BANNER SIGN. A sign typically made of lightweight fabric or other flexible material with or without a frame. BANNER SIGNS do not include ATTENTION GETTING DEVICES.
   BENCH SIGN. A sign located on a bench, seat, or similar structure that directs attention to a business, product, or service.
   BUILDING. A structure with substantial walls and a substantial roof that is securely affixed to land and separated on all sides from similar structures by space or by walls that do not have communicating doors, windows, or similar openings.
   BUILDING DIRECTOR. The Building Director of the City of Berwyn.
   CABINET SIGN. A sign designed as a boxed enclosure in which letters and logos are displayed on a flat interchangeable panel that does not individually articulate each letter or logo.
   CANOPY. A rigid roof-like cover, often constructed of metal and/or glass, which projects from the wall of a structure over a window, sidewalk, or door and is designed for protection from the weather or as a decorative element. A canopy may include ground-mounted support posts.
   CANOPY-MOUNTED SIGN. A sign that is mounted on top of a canopy.
   CITY. The City of Berwyn, Illinois.
   CONSTRUCTION SIGN. A sign that identifies the contractor, builder, developer, architect, engineer, or similar professional responsible for completing work on the property on which the sign is placed.
   CORNER SIDE LOT LINE. The boundary of a lot that is approximately perpendicular to the front and rear lot lines, which separates the longest street frontage of a corner lot from the street. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards
   CORNER SIDE YARD. The area on a lot extending from the corner side facade of a building to the corner side lot line between the front yard and the rear lot line. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   DRIVE-THROUGH SIGN. A sign, which displays items for sale or service at an establishment with drive-through facilities.
   DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE/EXIT SIGN. A sign designating the location of parking lot entrances and/or exits, drive-throughs, and other features of a similar nature.
   ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGN. A sign that displays a changeable message with text, or simple images using an electronic display. ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGNS shall not include VIDEO DISPLAY SIGNS.
   EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign that is lit by a source of light located outside the sign so that light shines onto the sign face.
   FLAG. Flexible material that is mounted on a pole and symbolizes any governmental, political, civic, educational, religious, or corporate organization.
   FLASHING SIGN. A sign that contains an intermittent or sequential light source that may flash, blink, strobe, travel, chase, rotate, or change in intensity, brightness, or color. FLASHING SIGNS do not include ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGNS.
   FRONT LOT LINE. The boundary of a lot that abuts a street. For corner lots, the front lot line shall be the shortest street frontage of the lot. For irregularly shaped lots, the front lot line shall be the entire length of the lot line that abuts a street. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   FRONT YARD. The area on a lot extending from the front facade of a building to the front lot line between the side lot lines. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   FRONTAGE. The portion of a building located adjacent to a right-of-way.
   GARAGE OR YARD SALE SIGN. A sign advertising the sale of items typically held in a garage or yard.
   GOVERNMENT SIGN. A sign, such as a traffic control sign, public safety sign, emergency sign, or public notice, that is required by applicable federal, state, county, or local regulations.
   HEADSTONE. A non-commercial sign in the form of a tombstone, tablet, grave marker, statuary, or memorial plaque, that offers a remembrance of persons or events.
   HISTORICAL MARKER. A sign displaying information such as a building's name, date of erection, or location of historic significance.
   HOME OCCUPATION SIGN. A sign associated with an occupation carried on in a dwelling unit.
   INFLATABLE DEVICE. An advertising display that consists of large balloons or similar material that can be filled with air or gas and that may or may not be tethered to a specific location, and may move using a fan.
   INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE. The boundary of a lot that is approximately perpendicular to the front and rear lot lines and is not adjacent to the right-of-way. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   INTERIOR SIDE YARD. The area on a lot extending from the interior side facade of a building to the interior side lot line between the front yard and the rear yard. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign that is lit by a source of light located inside the sign so that light shines outward from within the sign.
   LOT. A parcel or tract of land intended to be separately owned, developed, or otherwise used.
   LOT LINE. The boundary line of any lot.
   LOT OF RECORD. A legally created lot established by plat, deed, or contract as duly recorded by the Cook County Recorder of Deeds.
   MANUALLY CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN. A sign designed to allow modifications of messages, letters, characters, illustrations, or other symbols by hand. MANUALLY CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNS shall not include ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGNS.
   MARQUEE SIGN. A sign with two or three sign faces that is mounted to a permanent roof-like structure extending from the facade of a building.
   MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION SIGN. A sign which displays miscellaneous information, such as hours of operation, credit cards accepted, open/closed signs, and push/pull signs, and appears on or adjacent to entry doors or in display windows. Miscellaneous information shall include information located on vending machines, automated teller machines, and gasoline pumps.
   MONUMENT SIGN. A sign mounted to a freestanding base, not including freestanding poles, and not attached to a building.
   MOVING SIGN. A sign that moves or gives the appearance of movement, including any sign that revolves, rotates, or in any way alters position by natural or artificial means. MOVING SIGNS do not include ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGNS, INFLATABLE DEVICES, flags, PENNANT SIGNS, and signs displaying time and temperature.
   NIT. A unit of luminous intensity equal to one candela per square meter.
   NONCONFORMING SIGN. A sign erected and maintained prior to the adoption of this chapter that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
   OBSCENE SIGN. A sign that displays content in which the dominant theme of the material depicts prurient representations of sexual matters that affront contemporary community standards and do not possess redeeming social value.
   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. A sign that directs attention to a business, product, service, or activity that is conducted, sold, or offered at any location other than the premises where such sign is located.
   OWNER. The legal or beneficial title-holder of land or holder of a written option to contract or purchase the land.
   PARKING LOT SIGN. A sign regulating a parking lot, with a message such as "No Parking" or "Unauthorized Users Will Be Towed," that is oriented to an off-street parking area.
   PENNANT SIGN. A sign consisting of tapered flags made of lightweight material that are hung in a series and may or may not contain a message. PENNANT SIGNS do not include ATTENTION GETTING DEVICES or BANNER FLAG SIGNS.
   PERMANENT SIGN. A sign constructed of durable materials that is intended to be displayed for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
   PERSON. An individual, firm, corporation, partnership, or other similar entity.
   POLE SIGN. A sign mounted to one or more freestanding poles, not including a freestanding base and not attached to a building.
   POLITICAL SIGN. A sign that endorses or opposes a candidate for public office or raises awareness regarding a public issue.
   PORTABLE SIGN. A sign with a supporting structure that is designed to be moved or relocated for display. PORTABLE SIGNS include, but are not limited to, signs mounted upon a trailer or other non-motorized mobile structure, which may or may not possess wheels. PORTABLE SIGNS do not include A-FRAME SIGNS. Refer to Figure 1476.12-D. Portable Sign.
   Figure 1476.12-D. Portable Sign
   PROJECTING SIGN. A sign attached to a building or other structure that extends beyond the surface of the building and is typically oriented perpendicular to the facade of the building. PROJECTING SIGNS do not include AWNING SIGNS or MARQUEE SIGNS.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign advertising property for rent, lease, or sale, or announcing an open house.
   REAR LOT LINE. The boundary of a lot that is most distant from and approximately parallel to the front lot line. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   REAR YARD. The area on a lot extending from the rear facade of a building to the rear lot line between the side lot lines on an interior lot, and between the side lot line and the corner side yard on a corner lot. Refer to Figure 1476.12-C. Lot Lines and Yards.
   ROOF SIGN. A sign erected on the roof of a building that projects above the highest point of the roofline or parapet wall.
   SIGN. A message, image, display, or object used to advertise, direct attention to, or promote the interests of a person, business, organization, location, product, service, or activity. SIGNS do not include flags or works of art.
   SIGN COPY. The text or images included on a sign that are used to communicate the message of the sign.
   SNIPE SIGN. A sign affixed, posted, painted, or pasted to any tree, utility pole, hydrant, bench, fence, stake, trash receptacle, sidewalk, curb, parkway, street, median, or similar location, located on either public or private property.
   STREET ADDRESS SIGN. A sign that displays the name or address of the occupant.
   STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected that requires location on the ground or must be attached to something located on the ground.
   TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign that is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.
   VARIATION. Authorization granted by the city to allow development that deviates from the specific regulations of this chapter.
   VEHICLE SIGN. A sign attached to or placed on a vehicle that is prominently visible from the public right-of-way where the primary purpose of the vehicle is to advertise a business, product, or service rather than to be actively used or available for the daily function of the business to which the sign relates. A VEHICLE SIGN does not include a sign advertising a vehicle for lease or sale.
   VIDEO DISPLAY SIGN. A sign that displays a message with text, detailed images, or video using digital screens, LED screens, plasma screens, flat screens, video screens, and holographic displays. VIDEO DISPLAY SIGNS shall not include ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SIGNS.
   WALL SIGN. A sign mounted flat against the wall of a building or structure that is typically oriented parallel to the wall to which it is attached.
   WARNING SIGN. A sign that communicates a message of warning, danger, or caution, such as "Private Property," "No Trespassing," or "Beware of Dog."
   WINDOW SIGN. A sign affixed, hung, placed, posted, or printed on the interior or exterior of a building window or door that is intended to be viewed from the exterior of a building.
   YARD. The area on a lot between the principal structure and the lot line.
   ZONING LOT. One or more lots located within a block that is under single ownership and is designated as a unit of land for development by the owner of such land.
   ZONING, PLANNING, AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. The Zoning, Planning, and Development Commission of the City of Berwyn.
(Ord. 17-33, passed 9-12-2017)