§ 1490.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS BUILDING. A structure, public or private, which is adapted for the transaction of business; the rendering of professional services; amusement; the display, sale or storage of goods, wares or merchandise; or the performance of work or labor. BUSINESS BUILDING includes any hotel, lodging house, office building, public building, church, school, hospital, penal institution, store, theater, house, workshop, factory or building where people may assemble or congregate and any outhouse, shed, barn or other structure on premises which is used for business purposes.
   OCCUPANT. The person who has the use of or occupies a residential or business building, or part or unit thereof, whether or not the person is the actual owner or tenant. If a building or a portion thereof is vacant, the owner, agent or other person having custody of the building shall have the same responsibilities as if he or she were the OCCUPANT of the building so vacated.
   OWNER. The actual owner of a residential or business building, whether the owner is an individual, partnership or corporation or an agent of the building or another person having custody of the building or to whom rent is paid. If a building is leased with a clause in the lease specifying that the lessee is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the building, the lessee shall be considered the OWNER thereof for the purpose of this chapter.
   RAT HARBORAGE. Any condition existing in, under, over or outside a structure of any kind which provides shelter or protection for rats, thus favoring their multiplication.
   RATSTOPPAGE or RATPROOFING. A relatively inexpensive form of ratproofing to prevent the ingress of rats into a building from the exterior or from one building to another. RATSTOPPAGE or RATPROOFING consists essentially of closing all openings in the exterior walls, ground or first floors, basements, roofs and foundations that may be reached by rats from the ground, by climbing or by burrowing, with material impervious to rat gnawing.
   RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. A structure adopted, arranged, designed, used or intended to be used for the occupancy and habitation of persons, whether the structure is a single-family dwelling or comprised of multi-family dwelling units, and all accessory buildings located on the premises.
(Ord. passed 5-21-1979)