§ 1240.06 ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   Enforcement. This Code shall be enforced by the Zoning Administrator (refer to § 1252.01(D) (Zoning Administrator). The Zoning Administrator may seek the assistance of the City Attorney to enjoin, abate, or stop any violation of this Zoning Code. The Zoning Administrator may seek the assistance of the Police Department to enforce this Zoning Code. The property owner charged with a violation of this Zoning Code may be held responsible for any legal expenses incurred by the city as may be permitted by law.
   (B)   Penalties and fines. Any person, firm, or corporation who does not comply with any of the provisions of this Zoning Code, or who resists the enforcement thereof, shall be fined for each offense in accordance with the Municipal Code. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The accumulation of penalties for violations shall cease upon correction of the violation, but the obligation to pay for violations already committed shall not.
(Ord. 17-31, passed 9-12-2017)