(A)   All revenue and monies derived from the operation of the combined waterworks and sewerage system shall be held by the Director of Finance, separate and apart from all other funds of the city, and all revenue and monies, without any deduction whatsoever, shall be delivered to the City Treasurer not more than 15 days after receipt of the same, or at more frequent intervals as may from time to time be directed by Council.
   (B)   The Treasurer shall receive all revenue from the combined waterworks and sewerage system and all other funds and monies incident to the operation of the system as the same may be delivered to him or her and deposit the same in a separate fund designated as the Waterworks and Sewerage Fund. The Treasurer shall administer the Fund in every respect in the manner provided for by ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 11-139-1 et seq., as amended, and all other laws thereunto enabling.
(Ord. passed 1-15-1957)