§ 1048.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL CLASS OF WATER USERS. All commercial establishments, all residential premises containing five or more dwelling units and all commercial establishments containing one or more residential premises.
   EDUCATIONAL CLASS OF WATER USERS. All schools offering instruction in any of the branches of learning and study as taught in the public schools under the Illinois School Code, including prekindergartens, kindergartens and elementary and junior and senior high schools, but excluding private prekindergartens and trade, business or commercial schools.
   RELIGIOUS CLASS OF WATER USERS. All churches of whatever denomination.
   RESIDENTIAL CLASS OF WATER USERS. All residential premises served containing four or fewer dwelling units.
(Ord. 97-26, passed 6-10-1997)