(A)   Laundry defined. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      LAUNDRY. A place, building, structure, room or establishment, or a portion thereof, which is used for the purposes of washing, drying, starching or ironing wearing apparel, table, bed or other household linens, towels, curtains, draperies or other washable fabrics, the work being done for the general public.
   (B)   License required. No person shall conduct, operate, maintain or carry on the business of a laundry or laundromat in the city without first obtaining a license therefor.
   (C)   License applications. In addition to the license application requirements of Chapter 801, an application for the license required in division (B) hereof shall include a statement of the maximum number of persons to be employed at the establishment.
   (D)   Sanitary conditions of laundries; wallpaper prohibited.
      (1)   Every place used as a laundry, or for the storage of unlaundered or laundered fabrics in connection therewith, shall, at all times, be kept in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition as to floors, walls, ceilings, windows, woodwork, machinery, utensils and fixtures, and the place shall be kept free from rats, mice and vermin and all matter of an infectious or contagious nature.
      (2)   Except as permitted by federal or state law, no person suffering from a communicable disease shall be employed in a laundry.
      (3)   No wallpaper shall be applied upon the walls or ceilings of a room used for laundry purposes.