(A)   Each barber shop licensed as required in § 811.02 shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by agents and officers of the Board of Health, and the owner or manager of the barber shop and all of the employees therein shall conform strictly to the following regulations.
      (1)   Except as permitted by federal or state law, no person suffering from a communicable disease shall be employed in a barber shop.
      (2)   All places in the city used for barber shops, together with the furniture, fixtures, tools, implements and linen therein, shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
      (3)   Mugs, shaving brushes, scissors, combs and other tools and appliances capable of being sterilized shall, after use on a person, be sterilized by immersion in boiling water or in alcohol of at least 60% strength.
      (4)   A separate clean towel or face cloth shall be used for each customer.
      (5)   The common use of powder puffs and sponges is prohibited.
      (6)   No alum or other astringent shall be used in stick form. If used at all, the astringent must be in powder form.
      (7)   All hair brushes, hair dusters and other similar articles shall be washed thoroughly at frequent intervals and kept scrupulously clean at all times.
      (8)   No barber shall permit a person to use the headrest of a barber chair under his or her control unless the headrest is covered with a towel, that has been washed since last being used, or with a clean, new paper.
      (9)   No barber shall shave a person when the surface to be shaved is inflamed or broken out or contains pus, unless the person is provided with a cup and shaving brush for his or her individual use.
      (10)   Every barber or other employee of the barber shop shall cleanse his or her hands thoroughly immediately before serving each customer.
      (11)   Every barber shall, while serving customers, wear a washable apron or coat, which shall be kept clean.
      (12)   No person shall use a barber shop, or allow a barber shop to be used, as a place in which to sleep.
      (13)   Every barber or other person in charge of a barber shop shall furnish a plentiful supply of hot and cold water and shall use hot water tanks for no other purpose than that of heating water.
      (14)   The owner or proprietor of a barber shop shall keep a copy of the regulations set forth in this division, which shall be furnished by the City Collector, posted in the shop for the information and guidance of persons working or employed therein.
   (B)   If, upon inspection, it is found that the business location proposed by an applicant for the license required in § 811.02 is suitable, that the persons to be employed therein are free from all communicable diseases and that the regulations set forth in division (A) hereof can be strictly observed, then the Board of Health shall issue permission, by letter to the Mayor, for the business to operate.