(A)   No agent or agency shall condition the provision of city benefits, services, or opportunities on matters related to citizenship or immigration status unless required to do so by state or federal law, or court order.
   (B)   Where presentation of an Illinois driver's license or identification card is accepted as adequate evidence of identity, presentation of a photo identity document issued by the person's nation of origin, such as a driver's license, passport, or matricula consular (consulate-issued document), shall be accepted and shall not subject the person to a higher level of scrutiny or different treatment than if the person had provided an Illinois driver's license or identification card except that this division (B) shall not apply to the completion of the federally mandated I-9 forms.
   (C)   In order to ensure that eligible persons are not deterred from seeking city benefits, services, or opportunities, all agencies shall review their confidentiality policies and identify any changes necessary to ensure that information collected from individuals is limited to that necessary to perform agency duties and is not used or disclosed for any other purpose. Any revision made to the confidentiality policies shall be made in accordance with all city policies regarding the same, the [Illinois] Open Meetings Act, the [Illinois] Freedom of Information Act and similar federal enactments of law.
   (D)   All applications, questionnaires, and interview forms used in relation to city benefits, opportunities, or services shall be promptly reviewed by the pertinent agencies and any questions regarding citizenship or immigration status, other than those required by statute, ordinance, resolution, federal law, court order or other legal enactment, shall be revised to exclude any questions regarding citizenship or immigration status, other than those required by statute, ordinance, resolution, federal law, court order or other legal enactment within 60 business days of the passage of this subchapter.
   (E)   The City Attorney shall disseminate this subchapter to city department heads and other employees and officers as the City Attorney deems fit to ensure that all city public facilities remain safe and accessible to all city residents and visitors, regardless of immigration status.
(Ord. 17-08, passed 4-11-2017)