§ 33.05 NEW MEMBERS.
   New members of the Department shall be appointed by the Chief and shall be on probation for one year after their appointment. Upon completion of their probation period, new members must be approved by the majority of the other members of the Fire Department, the Chief and the Town Board.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-5)
§ 33.06 BY-LAWS.
   The by-laws of the Department shall include the following:
   (A)   All volunteer Fire Department members are required, when notified, to respond to alarms of fire and other emergencies;
   (B)   A member is required to be present at all regular meetings, called meetings and schools presented for the benefit of the firefighters;
   (C)   At least one regular business meeting of the members shall be held each month;
   (D)   Any member having two unexcused absences in succession or three unexcused absences in a period of three months will be dropped from the Fire Department rolls;
   (E)   Any member leaving the town for an extended period of time is required to notify the Chief;
   (F)   Any member refusing to attend training classes provided for members of the Department will be dropped;
   (G)   Any member of the Fire Department may be dropped from the rolls for the following offenses:
      (1)   Conduct unbecoming a firefighter;
      (2)   Any act of insubordination;
      (3)   Neglect of duty;
      (4)   Any violation of rules and regulations governing the Fire Department; or
      (5)   Conviction of a felony.
   (H)   Any member of the Fire Department may be dropped from the rolls by majority vote of the members of the company and approval of the Board of Trustees; and
   (I)   Members with less than ten years’ service are required to attend school and achieve certification as soon as practically possible. Members with ten or more years’ service have three years in which to be certified by training.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-6)
   (A)   System created; purpose; town policy.
      (1)   There is hereby created, for the purpose of providing pension retirement allowance and other benefits for firefighters of the town, a firefighters pension and retirement system.
      (2)   It is declared to be the official policy of the town to participate in the pension system as provided by state law.
   (B)   State regulations adopted. The firefighters pension and retirement system, as established by 11 O.S. §§ 49-100.1 et seq., is hereby adopted by reference.
   (C)   Board of Trustees of Firefighters Pension and Retirement System. The Local Board of Trustees of the Firefighters Pension and Retirement System, servicing the firefighters of the town, shall be constituted as provided by state law and shall have the powers and duties prescribed thereby.
   (D)   Annual payments. Each year the town will deposit $60 for each volunteer member of the Fire Department to the state’s Firefighters Pension and Retirement Board. The state fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-7)
   (A)   The Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chiefs or other Fire Department officers in charge shall have complete charge and control at all fires, and fire orders shall be obeyed.
   (B)   The Chief or his or her officers may prescribe limits in the vicinity of a fire which no persons, except those residing or owning property therein, shall be permitted to enter, except on the order of the officer in command.
   (C)   Police officers may aid in carrying into effect the provisions of this section.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-8)
§ 33.09 EQUIPMENT.
   (A)   Authorized equipment. The Department shall be equipped with such apparatus and other equipment as may be required from time to time to maintain its efficiency and properly protect life and property from fire.
   (B)   Purchase of equipment. Recommendations of apparatus and equipment needed shall be made by the Chief, purchased after approval as other town purchases.
   (C)   Storage. All equipment of the Department shall be safely and conveniently housed in such places as may be designated by the Town Board.
   (D)   Alarms of fire. Suitable arrangements and equipment shall be provided for people to turn in alarms and to notify members of the Department so that they may promptly respond.
   (E)   Use of equipment.
      (1)   No person shall use any fire apparatus or equipment for any private purpose, nor shall any person willfully and without proper authority take away or conceal any article used in any way by the Department.
      (2)   No person shall enter any place where fire apparatus is housed or handle any apparatus or equipment belonging to the Department unless accompanied by, or having the special permission of, an officer or authorized member of the Department.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-9)