For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COUNCIL. The security and privacy council created under I.C. 5-2-5-11.
   CRIMINAL HISTORY DATA. Information collected by criminal justice agencies or individuals consisting of identifiable descriptions and notations of arrests, indictments, information, or other formal criminal charges, and any disposition, including sentencing and correctional system intake, transfer, and release. It includes information obtained from a federal department of justice information system.
   CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCY. Any agency or department of any level of government whose principal function is the apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, incarceration, probation, rehabilitation, representation of criminal offenders, or location of parents with child support obligations under 42 USC 653.
   DEPARTMENT. The Indiana State Police Department.
   DISPOSITION. Information disclosing that criminal proceedings have been concluded or indefinitely postponed.
   INSPECTION. Visual perusal; includes the right to make memoranda abstracts of the information.
   LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. The City Police Department.
   LIMITED CRIMINAL HISTORY. Information with respect to any arrest, indictment, information, or other formal criminal charge, which must include a disposition. However, information about any arrest, indictment, information, or other formal criminal charge which occurred less than one year before the date of a request shall be considered a limited criminal history even if no disposition has been entered.
   RELEASE. The furnishing of a copy, or edited copy, of criminal history data.
   REPORTABLE OFFENSES. All felonies and those Class A misdemeanors which the superintendent may designate.
   REQUEST. The asking for release or inspection of a limited criminal history by noncriminal justice organizations or individuals in a manner which:
      (1)   Reasonably ensures the identification of the subject inquiry; and
      (2)   Contains a statement of the purpose for which the information is requested.
(Ord. 439, passed 2-26-96)