(A)   The Common Council of the city now deems it to be in the best interest of the city and its citizens to afford a maximum opportunity for rehabilitation, redevelopment or economic development of areas by private enterprise and the city by establishing a department of redevelopment.
   (B)   The Common Council hereby establishes the Department of Redevelopment of the city. The Department will be controlled by a board of five members known as the Berne Redevelopment Commission.
   (C)   Pursuant to the IC 36-7-14 and 36-7-25 (collectively "Act"), all the territory within the corporate boundaries of the city will be a special taxing district to be known as the Berne Redevelopment District for the purpose of levying and collecting special benefit taxes for redevelopment and City Offices and Depareconomic development purposes as provided in the Act. The Common Council finds and determines that all of the taxable property within this special taxing district will be considered to be benefitted by the redevelopment projects and economic development projects carried out under the Act to the extent of the special taxes levied under the Act.
   (4)   (a)   The Mayor of the city shall appoint three of the five members of the Berne Redevelopment Commission.
      (b)   The term of office of the members of the Berne Redevelopment Commission shall commence from the date of their appointment and expire on January 1, 2005.
(Ord. 525, passed 4-28-03)