The CARES Act Fund (Fund 150) is hereby established, all in accordance with the directives of the Indiana State Board of Accounts, and that any and all moneys that the city receives as a distribution from the CARES Act through the Indiana Finance Authority shall be transferred into said separate CARES Act Fund (Fund 150). Thereafter, a claim shall be created against the CARES Act Fund for the amount, up to the payroll reimbursement amount, that the city determines shall be receipted into the General Fund. This claim must be supported by the public health and/or public safety payroll costs that have been expensed from the General Fund or other appropriate funds and clearly documented in the records of the city. The money claimed shall be receipted into the General Fund. After the payroll reimbursement amount has been receipted into the General Fund, the normal appropriation procedures shall apply to the expenditure of the reimbursement amount.
(Ord. 734, passed 11-23-20)