A.   Annual Report:
      1.   The board of fire and police commissioners shall, on or before the first Monday of June each year, submit a written report to the village president containing the following:
         a.   A statement of the board's activities for the twelve (12) month period ending with the preceding May 31.
         b.   A copy of all rules and regulations of the board then in effect.
         c.   A statement concerning the practical effect of such rules and regulations.
         d.   Such suggestions the board may have which would result in the greater efficiency of the police department and of the fire department.
         e.   Such other information as the board deems advisable to include in such report.
      2.   The report required to be submitted by subsection A1 of this section shall be signed by the members of the board. Any member who wishes to comment on any portion of the report separately from the other members may do so, and his separate comments shall be attached to and be made a part of such report.
      3.   The village president shall advise the board of trustees, the village administrator, the fire chief and the police chief of the contents of such report as soon as practicable after receipt by the village president.
   B.   Annual Budget Request: The board shall submit an annual budget request to the village president and board of trustees prior to February 28 of each year. (2016 Code)