9-2-7: METERS:
   A.   Metered Water Required: No water will be supplied by the village to any person or corporation, or upon any premises in the village, except through a standard water meter of a type approved by the superintendent of public works. (1976 Code § 13.16.010; amd. 2016 Code)
   B.   Installation: Meters shall be installed by the superintendent of public works. They shall be installed in a place of easy access, and the location must be approved by the superintendent of public works. (1976 Code § 13.16.020)
   C.   Reading Meters: The superintendent of public works shall read or cause to be read every water meter used in the village at such times as are necessary so that the bills may be sent out at the proper times. (1976 Code § 13.16.030)
   D.   Access To Meters:
      1.   As a condition precedent to the village supplying water to any individual, person or corporation, the village reserves the right to periodically enter upon the premises wherein the water meter is located for purposes of reading the water meter to determine usage and/or to inspect the condition of the meter and appurtenant equipment.
      2.   Any individual, person or corporation who is supplied water by the village does, as a condition precedent to receiving water from the village, agree to allow the village periodic access to the facility housing said meter, at reasonable times, for purposes of the village reading the water meter to determine usage and/or to inspect the condition of the meter and appurtenant equipment. (1976 Code § 13.16.080)
      3.   Failure or refusal of any individual, person or corporation who is supplied water by the village to allow the village access to the premises wherein the meter is located for purposes of either reading the water meter to determine water usage or to inspect the meter and its appurtenant equipment shall be, at the sole discretion of the village, subject to having his or its water supply terminated after notice or, in the alternative, in the event the meter was unable to be read because of said failure or refusal, to be billed for water usage in an amount equal to the average of the last twelve (12) months' billing period. (1976 Code § 13.16.080; amd. 2016 Code)
      4.   Prior to the village either terminating the supply of water to said individual, person or corporation or, in the alternative, billing for water usage as set forth herein, the village must give to said individual, person or corporation written notice by certified mail, return receipt, of the village's inability to gain access to the premises and notice, after ten (10) days of the receipt of the village's notice to said individual, person or corporation, of the village's intention to either terminate the water supply or to bill for water usage as hereinbefore set forth if said access is not made available to the village. (1976 Code § 13.16.080)
   E.   Testing Meters:
      1.   Request For Test: Any water consumer may request a test of the water meter registering the amount of water used by the consumer for his own consumption. (1976 Code § 13.16.060)
      2.   Costs: Any person making a request of a test of his water meter shall be liable for the expense of the test if, after the test is made by the village, the test shows the meter to be registering within two percent (2%) accuracy; provided, that if the meter shows that it is registering over and above the two percent (2%) accuracy, the expense of the test shall be borne by the village. (1976 Code § 13.16.070)