A.   Approval Or Disapproval:
      1.   If, after due consideration of the information contained within the application and related investigative and inspection reports, the village clerk determines that the applicant meets the standards set forth, the village clerk shall approve the application. The village clerk shall notify the applicant that the application has been approved and shall issue a license. All licenses shall be subject to the provisions of this code which may be in force at the time of the issuance thereof or which may subsequently be passed by the village board.
      2.   If, after due consideration of the information contained within the application and related investigative and inspection reports, the village clerk determines that matters concerning the application are unsatisfactory, the village clerk shall disapprove the application, indicating the reasons therefor. Thereupon, the village clerk shall notify the applicant that the application has not been approved and that no license will be issued, and the license fee paid shall be refunded.
   B.   Appeals:
      1.   Any person aggrieved by the decision of the village clerk in regard to the denial of an application for a business license, as provided in this section, shall have the right to appeal to the village president. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the village clerk within five (5) days after notice of a denial of an application, a written statement setting forth specifically the grounds for appeal. The village president shall thereupon set the time and place for a hearing on such appeal, and notice of such hearing shall be given to the applicant or licensee in the same manner as provided in subsection 4-1-18C of this chapter. The decision of the village president on such appeal shall be final.
      2.   The acceptance of the license, upon reversal by the village president, shall constitute a waiver of all claims against the village, the village clerk, or any other officer or employee arising out of the original refusal to issue the license. The burden shall be upon the applicant to show wherein the village clerk has failed to meet the standards set forth in this subsection B. (2016 Code)